The Ride to Liyue

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       The boat had been sailing for approximately two hours. Update? Ayaka was getting tired of being in her room for the entire trip. It was an order from her father that their family had to stay inside their rooms with only their attendants being allowed outside their rooms during designated times.

        "Young Lady, are you bored?" Kazari asked.

        "... Just a little bit." Ayaka lied, she was really bored but wasn't allowed to admit it.

        "Is there anything you want us to get you?" Thoma asked.

         "No thank you, I'm doing quite fine." Ayaka smiled.

         The boat started rocking back and forth, a horn was then blown.

         "That means we have been anchored," Thoma explained.

          "Why have we been anchored?"  asked Ayaka.

          "Something might've happened, like the sail ripped or something like that." Thoma shrugged.

           "Will all passengers come out of their rooms then?" Ayaka asked, trying to contain the excitement in her voice.

          "Well... I think we can only come out when the ship is anchored," Thoma explained, "Usually every three hours, they'll stop the boat so that people can move around but it's only been two hours so something's definitely wrong with the boat..."

          "Hey, Newcomer, Young Lady was asking a 'yes' or 'no' question." Kazari said, snapping her fingers in front of his face, bringing Thoma back to attention.

            "Oh yeah! That's right, we can probably go out." Thoma nodded.

            "If I disguise myself, do you think I can go onto the boat?" Ayaka asked.

             "Young Lady!" Kazari argued immediately but Thoma on the other hand said, "YEAH!"

              "Newcomer!" Kazari snapped.

             "Kazari!" Thoma said at the same time.

              "Are you crazy?" they both asked in unison.

             "No!" they replied.

             There was a knock on the door, interrupting Kazari and Thoma's argument.

             "I'll go check." Kazari said, "Young Lady, make sure you hide in case it's a citizen."

              Kazari waited until Ayaka hid behind the shelf and Thoma positioned himself in front of her. Finally, Kazari opened the door.

            "Mr. Azazel," Kazari announced, it was Lord Kamisato's right-hand man, "How nice it is to see you."

            "As for you," Azazel didn't bother trying to remember what Kazari's name was, "Is Lady Ayaka here?"

             "Yes," Kazari nodded and signalled at Ayaka to come out.

              Ayaka waked out from behind Thoma and did her best to keep a calm face, she had heard from her father's only assistant, Winona, that Azazel had done little to help Lord Kamisato during her mother's illness and death.

             Just looking at his face infuriated Ayaka but despite that, she kept a calm, collected mask on.

           "It's nice to see you Mr. Azazel," Ayaka greeted, "Might I ask the reason for this visit?"

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