First Night

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        Ayaka Kamisato was hidden behind a shōji screen as her only attendant, Kazari, helped her undress. Mind you, Ayaka was perfectly capable of undressing herself but Kazari insisted that she had to be there in case some weird peeked through one of the many windows. After that, Kazari chose a simple blue-to-white gradient nightgown. 

         "Kazari, pardon me for my insolence, but is there a reason why you must help me get dressed?" Ayaka asked in a polite voice.

           "Of course Young Lady," Kazari replied in her usual calm tone, "I serve the Kamisato family for every matter at hand, that involved helping you get changed."

            "Kazari? Can you come outside for a moment?" a voice appeared outside of Ayaka's door. Ayaka recognized it as Ella, the head of all attendants.

            "Certainly, I apologize Young Lady," Kazari said, "May I please be excused?"

             "Yes, of course." Ayaka nodded, allowing her attendant to leave her side.

             Through her door, Ayaka could hear a muffled conversation that ended with Kazari reentering Ayaka's room looking much less composed than she did earlier.

             "Kazari? Is everything alright?" Ayaka asked as her attendant picked up the clothes she had just gotten out of.

              "Young Lady, we must get you dressed again." Kazari said, "We have... erm... a guest-" she said 'guest' with a forced tone, "- coming soon, we must get you changed so you can look appropriate."

              Ayaka was quickly changed out of her nightgown and back into her clothes. Once her breastplate was secured, Kazari said that she would get the guest. Still wondering who could be visiting her this late at night, Ayaka tried to contain her curiosity.

              Like she always did, Ayaka stayed behind the shōji screen, she always did this whenever she had guests and didn't reveal her face until she knew they were trustworthy. Of course, there had been more than one occasions where the guest would try to tear down the shōji screen, therefore, Ayaka made sure to have her sensu fan in her hands.

              "Young Lady, your guest has entered the room." Kazari informed, Ayaka's posture stiffened and she waited to see the guest.

                "Hello Young Lady," a familiar voice greeted her, "My name is Thoma, I have been sent here to work as your assistant."

                "Not an attendant?" Ayaka asked.

                "Of course not, an attendant is only given to those who have received utmost trust from their masters." Thoma replied. Ayaka smiled slowly, he had done his research.

                 "Very well, allow me to greet you Thoma." Ayaka said and walked out from behind the shōji screen.


          'There she is,' Thoma thought to himself, he was gazing upon the person who had stolen his heart in the courtyard earlier.

             "Hello Thoma," she greeted kindly, "My name is Kamisato Ayaka, it's a pleasure to formally meet your acquaintance."

              "Young Lady, the pleasure is all mine," Thoma insisted, "As I said earlier, I am your assistant and while I may be new, I promise to stay loyal to you until the end of time."

             Kazari, despite knowing she shouldn't have, scoffed, as she repeated what Thoma had just said.

             "Young Lady, may I please speak my opinions?" Kazari asked Ayaka who had still not realized that her attendant already had a deep hatred for Thoma.

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