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    Zhao Bing fell back, only to feel that his whole person is worse than those ordinary people who make him look down, and the ability in his body is not consumed in the slightest. bursts of pain.

    He fell to the ground and looked at the sky that was unique in the last days, no matter what season it was, and the eyes that had lost their focus took a while to fully recover.

    Zhao Bing can't remember much about how he fell to the ground. He only remembers that when he wanted to use his mental ability to confront that handsome man, he didn't feel the existence of this man's ability. From the very beginning, he was suppressed everywhere by him, and in the end, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his head. After that, his mental ability disappeared! ! ! !

    The other people in the team were also completely beaten by Lu Mo before, and now they are all completely exhausted by their abilities, so they can't exert any strength, and can only shrink into a ball next to each other.

    And while watching Zhao Bing being knocked to the ground with his own eyes, no one dared to step forward to save him, and they all hid away, for fear that the next person who would become so miserable would be himself.

    Lu Mo stood aside and watched Ren Yi deal with that Zhao Bing, then said to Lin Yue who was standing in a safe place: "He can no longer resist, and the same goes for those people, you go and deal with them."

    For Lu Mo, Ren and Yi, they would help Lin Yue entirely because, their respective little lovers, because they sympathized with this woman, they chose to help her, otherwise, what does her life and death have to do with them.

    Both of them are incomparably indifferent people in their bones, and their only tenderness has been given to the unique person who wants to protect the land in this life.

    Lin Yue also understood that these two men would help her entirely because of Gu Yao and Fang He.

    Although they haven't been together for a long time, Lin Yue has already figured out the characters of these four people, and also knows that the real masters of the two pairs are actually the two good-looking young people, and these two men are their protection. By.

    When Lin Yue came here, she suppressed all the thoughts in her heart, thanked Lu Mo and Ren Yi respectively, and came to Zhao Bing first.

    Zhao Bing was unable to exert any strength. He could only stare at Lin Yue, the woman, and walked in front of him step by step, inserting the long knife beside him into his chest|mouth, The cold tone still sounded in his ear: "Zhao Bing, I won't let you die like this, it's too cheap for you."

    In Zhao Bing's terrified eyes, he was beaten every day. Di Linyue, like an eagle catching a little |chicken|, dragged it all the way to the other side of the street, where zombies gathered.

    After Lin Yue dumped Zhao Bing on the street where there were still zombies, he came back and gave the other people to the same as before, dragging them over to be bitten by the zombies.

    She has no sympathy for some people, and some are just full of hatred, because the people here are the culprits who killed her husband and children, and wantonly insulted themselves that day.

    In the end, only one Xu Mei shivered and shrank helplessly. When Lin Yue approached, she waved her hand and said in horror, "Sister Lin Yue, I have never done anything to your family, you can't kill me."

    Lin Yue looked down at Xu Mei's face that was pale because of fear, and sneered: "Xu Mei, you are more disgusting than these people. At least they are directly face to face, and you will only trick people behind their backs.

    " Xu Mei, do you dare to swear? It has nothing to do with you that Zhao Bing will find me? You say that the death of my husband and child has nothing to do with you?"

    Lin Yue's questioning made Xu Mei unable to refute a word, because she said Yes this is true.

    The first time she saw Lin Yue, Xu Mei was jealous. She always hated women who were prettier than herself, especially in the following days, even though the family was ordinary people, she was still loved by her husband.

    The growing jealousy asked Xu Mei to go to Zhao Bing to provoke him, saying that they could not keep some ordinary people in their team, that would be a loss, and after Lin Yue's husband and children died, she encouraged Zhao Bing to do her to her. Out of that kind of bullying | humiliation | to things.

    Zhao Bing had been peeping at Lin Yue, and after hearing what Xu Mei said, he was tempted. He found an opportunity and started, and then it was a long-term bullying|humiliation.

    Lin Yue thought about suicide, but Zhao Bing told her at the time that if she died, her husband and children would not be able to bury their bodies, so she compromised.

    After being buried, Lin Yue is always ready to take revenge on these damned|beasts|borns!

    Seeing that Xu Mei couldn't say a word, Lin Yue let out a cold snort and took out a dagger and cut a hole in her face.

    "Xu Mei, don't you care about your face the most? Then I'll destroy it."

    The pain in her face made Xu Mei recover from her daze and screamed, "Lin Yue, are you here? What are you doing, who asked you to hit me, are you crazy????"

    "Shut up."

    Lin Yue slapped him with a slap, the force was so strong that Xu Mei's left cheek was |swollen| .

    After slapping Lin Yue, and ignoring Xu Mei's frantic struggle, he gave her a kick and knocked him out, then dragged her to Lu Mo's side.

    "The army team is handed over to you."

    Lin Yue didn't think this man would let Xu Mei go. After all, she almost killed Gu Yao just now.

    Lu Mo really wanted to deal with the woman Xu Mei with his own hands, but now he thought his hands were dirty, so he just threw a fireball of a controllable size on her, and then let Lin Yue throw her into the zombie pile and splash her with water. Awake.

    When Xu Mei woke up, she was not lucky to have escaped, and was surrounded by a group of zombies that rushed towards her face, and the big fireball that came out of nowhere, was burning from the hair down|face|burning She screamed and cried out in pain, but no one would show up to save her. In the end, she could only die like this. After her death, she became an ugly young man with no hair and disfigured face. Zombies.

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