Chapter 1

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Dear Lila,

I am contacting you on behalf of The Cupids Matchmaking Service.

You will not have heard of us but we are an organization that works behind the scenes of society, identifying each person's perfect match.

Usually we would not contact our clients. We prefer to work in secrecy - setting up the ideal environment for the two matches to have a chance encounter.

Recently, however, we ran your details through our system your case...

We think you'd better come in.

Please respond at your earliest convenience.

Yours Urgently,

The Cupids Matchmaking Service

The Cupids Matchmaking Service

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A U T H O R . N O T E

Hi! I'm Lauren! It's so nice to meet you!

Welcome to the magical and mythological world of Cupid's Match!

It's a world filled with crime-lord sirens, cupid hitmen, magic arrows, high school drama, and a mischievous love god whom our main character, Lila, can't quite stop herself from falling for...!

I started writing Cupid's Match on Wattpad back in 2015 and I had so much fun writing it

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I started writing Cupid's Match on Wattpad back in 2015 and I had so much fun writing it. But I should warn you. . . this Wattpad version of Cupid's Match is a FIRST DRAFT! You are reading the original, raw, rough version which means that alongside the general cupid chaos, you will find spelling and grammar errors.

(Also - sometimes you might THINK there is a spelling mistake, but actually it's because I'm British! I live in London and we spell things differently to America over here! Where are you from? Let me know in the comments!)

Due to it being a first draft you will also encounter some general weirdness in terms of plot, characters, structure, and story development.


To get your copy you can search it on Amazon/ your favorite book retailer, or follow the link in my Wattpad bio  --->LEPalphreyman 

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To get your copy you can search it on Amazon/ your favorite book retailer, or follow the link in my Wattpad bio  --->LEPalphreyman 

The Cupid's Match trilogy has also been published in French (Maudit Cupidon) and German (Everlasting Love). Book one is available in Spanish under the name 'El Match de Cupido'!

I will always leave this version here on Wattpad for you to read because - even though it's a very rough version of the story - it holds a special place in my heart, and Wattpad readers helped shape it into what it is today.

But if you're interested in the published version, or you just generally want to know what I'm up to, come follow me here on Wattpad (click ---> LEPalphreyman), or on social media for updates.

I'm @LaurenPalphreyman on Instagram

For any fellow Wattpadders looking for tips on how to get reads, I wrote down some of the things that helped me when I was starting out with Cupid's Match. You can check them out in the tips books available on my profile. Or head over to my blog where I post writing advice (


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Hope you enjoy the story!




Wattpad | Facebook | Twitter: LEPalphreyman

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Wattpad | Facebook | Twitter: LEPalphreyman

Instagram: @LaurenPalphreyman



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Cupid's Match : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant