I walk back home and once I'm there, I see Michael on the couch, gaming with Calum. I frown at the sight of it. I didn't think they'd be hanging out without me. I walk into the bathroom immediately and lock it. I undress while I let the shower run hot. I just wanna look good for a party and I don't wanna smell like coffee, you can't exactly blame me. Besides, I need a quick shave if I want to wear a dress. I'm not saying everybody has to, but I just feel more comfortable being shaved. I wash both my hair and body before I step out of the shower. I dry myself and put on my favorite body butter. I love the scent of this. I wipe the mirror dry and put on some makeup. Some glittery eyeshadow, with my basic make-up. As I wrap a towel around my body and open the door of the bathroom. Michael looks at me and chuckles. 

"We've seen you naked before, El. No need for the towel." Michael jokes. 

"I'd rather not see my baby sister naked, Clifford." I walk upstairs and put on a tight dress. I look at myself in the mirror and bite my lip for a second. It does leave nothing for the imagination. I comb through my hair and grab my blow dryer to dry it. I look in the mirror once again and put on some jewelry. As I put on my shoes, I walk downstairs again and hand Michael my phone and lipgloss. He pauses the game he's playing and puts it in his pocket. 

"Give us a few more minutes to finish this round." He says, continuing the game. I walk towards the kitchen and grab a glass of water. When I walk back I look at the game they're playing. 

"Is Ash gonna be there tonight?" 

"Dunno, he went to his parents today, he said he tried to make it back by midnight or something. But he's probably gonna be later than that." Calum shrugs. "Why? You wanna make a drunk sex tape again?" I roll my eyes. I really wanna pull the plug off the tv so they can't continue, but I have to spend the night with them. Cal is probably gonna crash on the couch. I tap my foot on the ground impatiently. Yet, the game finally ends. 

"Let's go to the party of my hot girlfriend," Michael says. 

"She is kinda hot though," Calum admits. I look at them, disgusted. It's still my best friend they're talking about. We all walk towards the frat house. From a distance, I can hear loud music and a lot of voices. "By the way, sis," Calum starts. "Are you trying to get guys in your bed, because with that look I guess it's working." 

"Dude, don't act like she's asking for it. She's with Ashton, she would never do something with another guy. Don't act so stupid." Calum rolls his eyes. "You know I'm right." We walk into the house and immediately walk towards the kitchen to mix ourselves some drinks. I feel my arms wrapped around me. The red nail polish tells me it's Tammy. 

"Told ya my girlfriend is hot," Michael says. Calum chuckles while I down a drink or two already. I really don't wanna be in reality this evening. Just wanna dance and forget. Tammy has already dragged Michael up to the dance floor. I grab the bottle of vodka and fill the entire cup with it. I make my way to the backyard, smelling the strong scent of drugs, but I honestly couldn't care less. I take a seat on the floor as I look at the high people not very far away from me. I take some sips of the vodka and ignore the burn in my throat. 

"El, what are you doing?" I look up to see Calum. "This ain't the way to go when you wanna get wasted." He says, disapproving. I shrug my shoulders and take another sip. "Are you okay?" 

"I don't know," I mumble, drinking the cup empty. "Just wanna forget everything and it would be nice if you wouldn't judge me for once." He simply nods and walks away. I walk up to the group that's smoking and join them. They immediately give me a joint and put fire on it. It can't actually hurt, right? I put the thing against my lips and cough immediately, causing some chuckles. 

"First time?" A guy asks me, I nod and cough again. "Breathe it in deeply and hold it for two seconds or something before blowing it out." He instructs me. I do it again, the taste of it isn't quite amazing, but I don't mind. I blow out the smoke after two seconds and chuckle. "See, it isn't so bad huh?" I shake my head and make the same movement a few times, feeling myself getting lightheaded.

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