The Sakayanagis are Acting Weird

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Yasushi POV

It was early February. The Mixed Training Camp has recently passed by and now it was back to normal school days. Now, early February meant the 14th is nearby. The 14th meant Valentines Day, and that meant I may be absolutely fucked. 

Ever since we started officially dating, Kikyou had shown to be...possessive, to say the least. Actually a better word would be that she's trying to hoard me from girls like Arisu, who was my step-sister, Amikura, Ichinose, Shiina and others that I have befriended. She somehow gives off a different vibe whenever we're around other people. In other words, she's changed, a lot.

I mean, boys and girls still love her as another popular figure, but they've become reserved now, thanks to her literally shouting that I was her boyfriend. Honestly I don't like my new found popularity through my relationship with her. In terms of doing work for the class, I'm too conspicuous now, so all the behind the scenes stuff fell on Ayanokouji completely. 

I arrived at the classroom, being met by a strange atmosphere. Though the news about Karuizawa dumping Hirata did start circulating, I saw that Horikita and Ayanokouji were chatting. Kikyou on the other hand, was talking to some of her friends about something. You could say that this is the usual in our class, but something felt different, almost as if they were all having conversations about something dark. 

"Eh? Hey Yasushi-kun!" 

Kikyou noticed me sitting down at my desk and went towards me. 

"What's with this atmosphere? It feels less cheerful somehow." I said. 

"Oh, about that. The news of Karuizawa-san dumping Hirata-kun is really starting to hit. They're also talking about something that happened in Ichinose-san's class."

"Ichinose? Her of all people?" 

"Yeah, I didn't really believe it either." 

"Do you know what these rumors are?" I was extremely curious, so I just had to ask. 

"I can't really say specifically, since it's all just rumors, but the gist of it is that Ichinose-san has been a really bad girl in the past. She was said to have a history of violence, theft, robbery, and even engaged in paid dating, something like being rented as a girlfriend." 

That sounded very unlike the pacifistic angel that I came to know as Ichinose Honami. If someone told me that in the past, I'd never have believed it. However, now that I came to know Kikyou, who had an incident in junior high, and Karuizawa who had been bullied for a long time until she came to ANHS, the rumors are not entirely out of the question.

"Who could've..."

Then it suddenly clicked. I only know four people that would resort to this tactic. 

"Well, we can't really know anything for sure until we ask Ichinose herself." I said.

"That's true. And class is about to start anyway. See you at lunch Yasushi-kun." 

I nodded as she went back to her seat. After a few more minutes of my classmates gossiping around, Chabashira-sensei arrived to begin class.


Lunch came and went. I urged Kikyou to go back before me, and it took a lot, and I mean a lot, of convincing. 

I got out of the bathroom and began to walk back to the classroom. It seemed illogical of me to send Kikyou off without a reason, but I did. I wanted to meet someone, someone I saw in the cafeteria, and fit the description Nagumo gave me back in Christmas. I knew for a fact she was watching, because we made eye contact. 

Classroom of the Elite: An Inferior Genius(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now