Volume 4.5: Troubles of a Loner

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I'll only be doing some of the events not all of them. Most of them would be altered.

Ayanokouji POV

We had just returned to school grounds. Everyone in the first-year student body, take away those that aren't present, were required to return to the dorms first before doing anything else. Two teachers escorted us, Chabashira-sensei and Mashima-sensei, while Sakagami-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei reported to the staff room with all the documented results of the two exams. Well, at least according to them.

"I can't wait to get back home..." One of the students said aloud.

"I forgot I'm all out of stuff, I'm gonna have to go shopping later." Another said.

"Oi, who are those two?"

One person's comment caught my attention, it was Sudou who said it. He was pointing his finger towards the little park in front of the first-year dormitory, to which a lot of us looked, even Ryuuen.

"Is that Sakayanagi-san?" One of the Class A students said.

"Maida-kun!?" Ichinose half shouted.

It was an interesting sight actually. Sakayanagi Arisu and Maida were sitting on the same bench, admiring the scenery. What's even more interesting is that I saw two canes. Two.

Turning around to the commotion, Maida looked at us and gave a little wave. Sakayanagi saw this and just smiled at us.

"Alright everyone settle down! Head back to your rooms first." Mashima-sensei ended everyone's chatter.

Yasushi POV

Looks like they didn't expect the two of us to be together.

"Everyone's back it seems. I suppose that's the end of our alone time." Sakayanagi said.

"You act like we were on a date this entire time."

"Were we not?" Her grin turned extremely smug.

"No." I said flatly.

"Instant rejection. Fufufu, I'm hurt."

Like hell you're hurt.

"Anyways, I should probably leave, no doubt some of my classmates will come running here once they got back."

"So you still don't want to be bothered?"

"This isn't really something I can just explain in one go." I pointed at my cane.

"I suppose so. You just want a better venue for when you do explain."

"Exactly. I'll see you around Sakayanagi-san."

"Oh before you go, I gave you my contact information did I not?" She asked while I slowly stood up.

"Yeah, why ask?"

"No reason, however I will be inviting you to places from time to time." She said.

"Okay then, I'll need advance notice for those though. Looking forward to it."

"No promises, fufufu."

I made my way back inside the dorm building, then went straight to my room. 

Once I arrived, I had realized something. They'll just rush straight to here right after looking for me at that bench. Dammit.


This is the most awkward I've ever felt in quite a while.

"Uh...Nice to make your acquaintance?"

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