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So I have to postpone any further updates to both of my fics. The big problem is that the place I'm staying at has been compromised. The relatives I'm with have caught a bad flu and they think they might've been hit by "it" (you know what I'm talking about)

I myself have a dry cough and a little cold, so we're all gonna focus on feeling better for now. I can't write while feeling grogy all the time, so please wait till I can get better.

I was planning on actually writing at the start of the month, but then I heard the news of one of my favorite youtubers dying from cancer. Then, I'm this mess.

I apologize for any and all inconveniences. I only managed to write two parts for my other fic and the first part of Volume 7.5 here. If I can, ai'll try to write a little during my recovery.

Till then, dear reader. For now I recommend you just watch the first episode of the second season.

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