Volume 3: Genius For Hire

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Yasushi POV

The sixth day became hell for me. I'm so sick my legs don't want to work properly. My left leg grew weak after sleeping through last night, now I'm basically limping. 

I was currently trudging through the woods for one last attempt at finding Ryuuen or any other Class C students left on the island. The rain was devastating for me, it doesn't help that I can't breathe properly and now this environment came in. However, looking for Class C wasn't my only reason for running around this cursed island. 

"PE, hear my call you fathomless existence."

"Thy seeketh my attention, mortal?"


After that cheesy medievalish talk, he snapped his fingers three times, meaning he understood.

We had agreed upon needing a back to back code to address a few things, like an emergency. At that point we had ten different codes for ten different scenarios.

"Unable to do things on your own anymore, boy?"

'PE', was our code for 'I can't work anymore', meaning I've reached my limit when it comes to my physical health. The other lines was just me going along with his roleplay because it's actually enjoyable. 

"GFH, frontline needs reinforcements." Meaning I needed serious help.

"Then thy commandant shall send for troops to attack from the rear at moonlight." That meant 'I'll do it myself' at night. 

"However, GFH needs direct confirmation to strike, TK." TK meant a specific item.

"Understood, will TK by roll call. MY out."

"KR shall stay SS. As for CC, mission accomplished."

"Noted, expect AK to give TK to you."

With that, I left, finished with my business. I can probably just rest for the rest of the day, but I'd like to avoid Kushida for a while, because of what happened this morning. 

She. Slept. With. Me. Alone. 

I don't understand why our classmates agreed to sleeping in the makeshift sleeping bags and other tents and just gave that one to us. It was truly suspicious. When I did wake up she was clinging onto me, thankfully I slipped away without waking her up. 

After roll call though, I decided to disappear from the camp to do my business. 

"Right, now that's settled, what's next?"

The sun was nowhere to be seen, only clouds and rain were in the sky. This is obviously bad for my health but I used it to my advantage so that no one from our class would be able to find me. Now for my next destination.

"Class B..."

This is my second visit to Class B in this exam, the first one being when I dealt with Kaneda Satoru of Class C, making him retire "voluntarily". 

The Class B campsite seemed a bit dull, since the rain must've made them hide inside their tents or under trees. Luckily, the people I needed to find were still outside, sitting on hammocks. 

"Eh? Isn't that Maida-kun? Hey hey!"

Amikura Mako greeted me as I walked closer to them. I'd have to put on an act now, make them think I'm not limping. Ichinose and Kanzaki looked to face me, two others as well. I think I know the boy, his name was Shibata? I don't know who the other girl was though.

"Hey Amikura-san, how's your class holding up against the storm?" 

"We're holding up just fine! A lot of us had to stay in the tents though."

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