Volume 6: He's Just a Toy

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Ayanokouji POV

After the final few days of preparations, it seemed that everyone should be well prepared for the test. The exam was three days from now, the two days being weekends and the exam itself waiting on Monday.

Horikita and I were now heading to the faculty room to submit the four hundred test questions Class D would be answering.

"Did you study well?"

"I should do fine, rather its better if you worry about yourself. You have that battle with Kushida in the Mathematics exam."

"I'm confident I can win against her. Do you think you can handle carrying Satou-san if it comes to show?"

"I'll score a bit above average just in case."

According to Sakayanagi-kun, Satou had been studying during the sessions. He even helped her in math, where both of them were at their weakest. Despite that, he was a natural teacher, capable of helping out while not being too empathetic or apathetic.

Ryuuen's two goals were to beat Class B, and to smoke out the puppet master hiding behind Horikita. If he wanted to win in overall points, that limited his tactics. The best he could do was get Class D to study extra hard, or come up with extremely difficult test problems, both of which were relatively ordinary strategies.

With Sakayanagi-kun's help, Ryuuen had managed to resort to making his class study. The plan had worked flawlessly, and Horikita would be somewhat backed into a corner. Its not that she'd lose the bet with Kushida, but rather the class might lose in the actual exam.

"Thinking about something?" Horikita asked.

"Oh, sorry." I replied.

Horikita looked up at me from the base of the stairs. I hurried down after her. She held a large manila envelope stuffed full of the questions she, Sakayanagi-kun and Hirata had slaved over for the past month. That envelope held Class B's fate, which was exactly why Horikita kept it as confidential as possible. She wouldn't even let me see the questions. Only she knew the final output, but Hirata and Sakayanagi-kun still held a grasp of the idea in he questions. 

"What are our chances?" I asked.

"Hard to say. Don't expect too much. The school made many adjustments. However, there's no doubt that we've completed the most difficult part of the exam so far." Horikita said.

She exuded confidence, so she'd probably done a solid job. The issue was what came next. How would we protect these questions?

While making our way to the staff room, Horikita and I bumped into Ryuuen in the hallway.

"Yo, Suzune." Ryuuen wore a bold smile on his face. He also held a manila envelope.

"Is this a coincidence? Or an ambush, perhaps?" Horikita asked.

"It's inevitable. I was waiting for you."

"An ambush, then." Horikita let out an exasperated sigh and walked past Ryuuen.

"You're submitting your test problems at the last minute too, huh? Let's go together." Ryuuen said, holding out his manila envelope. 

"Anyone might try and sneak a peek at this, so I understand your caution."

"You're not worried about any traitors in your own class?" Horikita asked, somewhat mockingly.

"Ha. There's no way anyone would be stupid enough to betray me." Ryuuen said.

"Yet you waited until the last minute to submit your questions" Horikita said.

Ryuuen probably couldn't help but enjoy her ire. Horikita and I walked on, and he followed us.

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