Chapter 40 - To know each other

Start from the beginning

- Y/N, if there is a chance that my mother will come back to me, I'll do everything in my power to help you. No one is interested in how to return the titan back to human form... More concerned about international problems... Nobody cares and...

Y/N looked at him and felt sorry for Connie. He was a good person. He didn't deserve all this. Nobody deserved this. She felt sorry for him, because he was right. She was the only one who was interested in the origin of the titans, the connection between titans and people, and how this whole system works with transformation. There were no funds allocated for this research, no one in the Survey corps needed it anymore since they went beyond the walls. Now everyone was interested in military power, technology, strategic decisions and diplomatic alliances. It was the development of military technologies that Y/N was engaged in for Hange, along with other engineers from the Survey corps. And this... this was just her crazy idea that she dreamed of... The idea that consumed her nights spent in the Underground City.

- Connie... I'm sorry... I know you don't want to hear this, but... I'm really sorry you feel this way.

- It's not your fault, Y/N, it's just that the world has changed...

- I want to tell you what I'm doing, but I don't want to give you hope. What I'm doing... It may not work, because... I'm the only one who is interested in this, as far as I know, and the Marleyans... They don't provide us with information about the titans, except for some strategic things... But I'm not interested in it...

- Y/N... No matter what you tell me, I will not stop hoping that one day I'll see my mother again...

She sighed.

- I... it all started with Eren's blood...

She told him almost everything. Everything she had learned about the nature of the titans over the years. Connie just listened without asking questions. Y/N wasn't used to seeing him so focused and collected, usually he was a bit flighty and frivolous. She was pleased to see how he had changed since the time of the cadet corps. How he grew up. Now, seeing him like this, she didn't think that perhaps, after the «loss» of his family, he hid behind all these jokes, trying to cope with pain and longing for loved ones and his helplessness. He calmly listened to her.

- And... what do you still want to achieve in Ragako? You never answered...

- Eren... he left. He trusted me. He... he gave me spinal fluid for my research, like I said, but... It's over. And... I need more.

- And...

- I need your approval. And permission. I want to take the spinal fluid from the titan that your mom has become. As far as I remember, she's immobilized. It... it won't be easy, but...

- But since Eren was able to give you the spinal fluid, then you can just...

- I won't contact Armin, I know you want to suggest it.

- You have always been close, I don't think that he would have refused you.

- We were close, but no anymore.

- I'm sorry... We've all drifted apart. But we still value each other... I believe that everything will work out between us, in the end...

- It's good to know that you're quite optimistic, given the way we live.

They rode in silence for a while, each thinking their own... Y/N thought that maybe asking Armin was actually easier, and also that it would probably be more correct. People who had the ability to form into titans were certainly different from people who were forcibly turned into titans and stuck in that state. She thought about the risks, about her mistakes.

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