Pool party

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'Come on please!'

'Sirius no.' james said

'Come on. It would be fun.'

'Whats padfoot whining about?' Remus questioned

'He wants to invite the snapes over for a pool party.' james told him

'Oh pads no.' Remus said disappointed

'Shes not like snivellus.' sirius insisted.

'It would be a good opportunity to prank snivellus.' james remarked

'No come on' Sirius begged.

'Youve been talking about this girl all summer!' Remus remarked. 'Shes a snape.'

'Im gonna make her a Black!' Sirius told them. 'Come on help a brother out.'


'We are not going.' Severus told her but their father started yelling and savanna gave her best pout and puppy dogs eyes.

'Come on a few hours away from dad.' she begged. Severus heard the shatter of glass and he agreed.

'Get your stuff. Change fast.' he instructed her. She kissed his cheek running off.

'Maybe lily will be there?' Savanna offered as they got to the potter residence but she wasnt.

'Savanna!' sirius said wrapping an arm around her. 'So glad you could make it.'

'Me too.' savanna said as sirius led them in.

'Severus.' Sirius said forcing a smile.

'Yes thank you for the... invitation' severus said slowly as he searched for a sign that this was trap.

'you know remus and james and peter...' Sirius said making introductions.

'hi,' savanna waved shyly over to them. but remus and james wrapped an arm around her pulling her away from Sirius and severus.

'you know padfoot, has not been able to stop talking about you all damn summer.' Remus told her.

'on and on he went, savanna this, savanna that. savanna is pretty,' savanna blushed glancing back at Sirius was red in the face.

'do you think savanna likes-'

'alright, alright.' Sirius said pulling her away. 'stop it.' He hissed before smiling back at savanna.

'she certainly is pretty padfoot.' Peter told him.

'whats a padfoot?' savanna questioned. The boys started to laugh. 'what?' she glanced back at severus obviously uncomfortable.

'I'm padfoot, that's moony,' he pointed to remus. 'wormtail,' peter 'and prongs,' james.

'but what does it mean?' savanna questioned.

'just nicknames.' James told her.

'I am an animagus.' Sirius told her.

'I want to take my animagus exams.' Savanna told him.

'what do you want to shift into?' Sirius asked.

'a cat.' She admitted.

'no really useful.' Remus informed her.

'why do they call you moony?' she countered.

'james patronas is a stag.' Sirius went on. 'you know, the prongs of his antlers.' Savanna nodded. 'and peter shifts into a rat.'

'on purpose?' savanna questioned.

'I like her already.' James said glancing over at peter. Severus still stood awkwardly by the door. 'come on snivelius, today is a free day. A pass. No tricks.' James assured.

'yeah, Sirius made us promise no tricks today.' Remus added,

'you did?' savanna whispered.

'I wanted you to come and I figured severus wouldn't allow it and if they pulled their typical shit, he would drag you away.' Sirius told her.

'you really are smitten.' Remus called over to him.

'shut up!" he hollered at remus before turning back to savanna. 'you got a suit on or do you need to change?' Sirius questioned tugging at her shirt.

'its on.' She confirmed quickly he pulled her shirt over her head letting it fall to the floor. She laughed as he pulled at her bottoms, she stepped out of them. the maraduers hooted when they saw her, in her swimsuit.

'back off.' Sirius told them before picking savanna up and tossing her in the deep end. Severus watched her disappear below the surface. She came up smiling as Sirius jumped in after her.

It was the most fun she ever had, severus was cautious the whole time though not a moment of fun, not expecting them to behave and he had to protect his sister but she seemed to be having fun. Sirius was getting far to close to savanna for severus' comfort but she had a smile on her face all day. When they left that night sneaking into the house savanna fell asleep smile still on her face. That was the best day of her life. But she didn't see the for the rest of the summer.

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