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'I'm sorry to hear about your broom.' Remus said as he walked with harry through the forest

'Professor why did the dementors affect me so much?' harry questioned

'Well the Dementor are amongst the foulest of creatures they feed on every good feeling every happy memory until the person is left with nothing but his worst experiences... you are not weak Harry.' Remus assured him 'that the dementors affect you most of all because you have true horrors in your past . horrors, you can scarcely imagine you have nothing to be ashamed of-'

'I'm scared professor.'

'I would consider you a fool if you weren't.' remus told him.

'I need to know how to fight them.' harry told him 'can you teach me you made that dementor on the train go away.'

'There was only one that night.' remes reminded him

'but you did make it go away.' harry reminded Remus.

'I do not pretend to be an expert Harry but as the Dementor's seem to have found a particular interest in you then perhaps I should teach you, after the holidays for now you need to rest. I will talk with Savanna as well she has quite an excellent Patronas.'


'Tell me what this is all about?'

'Well when years ago.' Minerva began 'when Harry's parents realized what was going on, they went into hiding well they did it with sirius black and savanna snape and Sirius told you know who.'

'Not only did you know who and sirius Black work to get Harry Potter but Black also killed them one of their friends Peter Pettigrew in the progress.'

'Yes he was always sweet boy chasing after sirius black.'

'He would never let James and sirius out of his sight.' Minerva agreed

'Well we tried to warn the potters.' minerva went on

'If sirius black didn't kill Peter then who did? A finger that's all that was left was a finger of Peter Pettigrew nothing else.'

'Savanna Snapes testimony though-'

'Oh yes, Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the potters personally but he is the reason they are dead.'

'He has come to finish what he started...'

'I don't believe it'

'Sirius black was and remains to be...' Minerva told them, 'harry Potter's godfather.'

Sunset // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now