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'Dumbeldors army... do you see this?' Dolores questioned severus and savanna.

'clear as day. Wow the old bat is raising an army of children. Are you shaking in your boots severus?' savanna questioned.

'this is no joking matter, Snape.' Dolores hissed.

'I'm sorry who are you talking to? I'm snape and he is also snape... forgive me, I'm slow this early in the morning.' Savanna teased.

'you are an insufferable little-'

'watch yourself,' severus warned taking threatening step in front of savanna.

'you were saying, Dolores?' savanna grinned leaning back against the desk.

'I will get to the bottom on this. With or without your help.' Dolores snapped, leaving them be.

'you love causing trouble don't you?' severus questioned.

'she is so easy to provoke!' savanna declared once she was gone.

Draco was given head boy status and charged by Dolores herself to track down Dumbledore's little rebellious army that she knew was being formed in Hogwarts walls she just couldn't find where so Draco and his friends were given the honor and the duty to track them down. Savanna was walking past a hall on her way back to medical bay when she saw three hufflepuffs and a ravenclaw disappeared.

'room of requirement....' savanna said running her hands along the wall. She walked back and forth pacing three times as the door opened and she saw a heard of children. They were actually doing good.

'Teacher!' Ron shouted until he realized who it was.

'Savanna!' harry declared hugging her tight.

'hello, everyone.' She looked around. 'DA?'

'we want to fight back.' Harry told her.

'you should have come to me. I would have helped.'

'really?' Neville questioned.

'of course. I want the bitch gone too.' Savanna told them. 'sorry, twat.' She corrected.

'to bringing down the bitch!' Ron repeated raising his wand in the air, blasting the ceiling unintentionally.

'what are you working on?' savanna questioned.

'patronas.' Harry told her.

'wonderful.' She looked around the room. 'anyone got it yet?'

'just harry.' Hermione admitted.

'close your eyes and picture the happiest you have ever been, not just riding a broom happy,' she recalled smiling at harry. 'but pure happiness.' She walked around the room. 'do you see it?' she questioned. She raised her own wand, 'Expecto Patronum.' She said and a fox pounced around the room.

'what were you thinking of?' harry questioned.

'Right now.' she admitted and harry gave her a curious look. 'all of you working to take down the darkness, that make me really proud of you harry, really happy to see the man you are becoming.' Savanna clarified.

'Tell me you found them.' Dolores begged standing up from her desk. Flitch, Draco and his friends came in with a mischievous look in their eyes.  

Sunset // Sirius BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant