Be the Bigger person

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'Sirius black been ditching classes to get your attention.' Kylie told savanna

'I saw him waiting outside of potions but you were with the head master. He was thoroughly disappointed when he didnt see you.' Cassie added

'Talk to him sav.' Fiona begged.

'Yeah hes so cute and clearly likes you.' Narcissa told her.

'I dont know guy. Him and his friends-'

'You are not your brother and maybe sirius would stop if you gave him a chance.'

It was the last week of school when savanna finally talked with Sirius. she helped him with finals and they spent all night talking in the library. But the last day came and everyone got on the train and severus and savanna sat together while the maraduers sat in the compartment next to them. Severus and savanna read and talked on the ride back quietly to one another while sirius' compartment was filled with laughter.

'Could they be any more annoying?' Severus questioned savanna looked over at him before looking back out the window. 'People like potter lupin petigrew and black.' he spat their names.

'I-' savanna didnt know what she was going to say. I actually like sirius. He's nice. No. That would not go well with severus. 'Perhaps we should give them a try and be the bigger person show them how great you are and they will stop.' Savanna suggested.

'They are vermin to society.' Severus informed her. 'Vermin.' Savanna stayed silent. 'Whats wrong savanna?' Severus question seeing her pained face.

'Nothing just a headache.' she lied

'These idiots. I should give them a peace of my mind.' Severus stood up but savanna pulled him back to his seat. Severus never stood up for himself but savanna he would protect to his last breath.

'Its okay sevy.' Savanna assured. 'Tell me how your defense against the dark arts exam went?'

'Perfectly.' Severus informed her settling in next to her. Not another word was spoke about sirius or his friends.

Sunset // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now