Full moons

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'Sirius Black was cited in Dovetown'

'That's not too far from Hogwarts.'

'catching Black would be like trying to catch smoke.'

'they're not going to catch him.'

Savanna hated the picture they had of him, guards were holding him back his face crazed she pushed it aside not wanting to look at it. She hated that the students believed it too. Constantly talking of the crazed lunatic Sirius Black. It broke her heart all over again.


'Intriguing isn't it?' remus said as the wardrobe shook in front of them 'anyone want to guess as to what is inside?'

'A Bogert.'

'Very good can anyone tell me what a Bogert looks like?' Remus went on

'No one knows.' Hermione told him 'a Bogert is a shape shifters they take the shape of whatever the particular person fears the most that's what makes them-'

'So terrifying yes.' Remus finished 'luckily a very simple charm can be used to defeat a Bogert.' Remus stood to the side of the wardrobe clattered behind him 'let's practice. Without wands please. Ridiculous.' he said they repeated him 'ridiculous. loud and clear.' they echoed him again now 'that was the easy part but the incantation alone is not enough What really finishes Bogert is laughter you need to force it to assume a shape to which you find amusing. Let me explain Neville will you join me please?' nervously he stepped forward 'don't be shy come on don't worry I got Madame Snape here just in case anything goes wrong but I assure you nothing will go wrong.' Savanna stood in the back of the room she offered Neville a wave, he was another one of the students that she got to know very well over the years.

'Nothing will go wrong.' Savanna agreed from the back of the room

'Now what frightens you Neville most of all?' Remus questioned.

'Professor Snape.' Neville murmured.

'What?' Remus questioned a hand to his ear.

'Professor Snape.' he said loudly

'Professor Snape.' Remus said louder laughing the rest of the class joined in, Savanna rolled her eyes but of course she knew her brother terrified the students. 'Do you have a grandmother Neville?'

'Yes but I don't want the Bogert to turn into hurt either.' Neville admitted

'No.' Remus agreed 'it won't but I want you to picture her clothes very clearly in your mind.'

'She carries a red handbag.'

'We do not need to hear Neville as long as you see it we will see it... now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do.' Remus leaned down whispered in neville ear. 'I need you to imagine Professor Snape in your grandmothers clothes.' Remus whispered 'can you do that?' Neville nodded 'wand at the ready 1, 2. 3,' with a wave of his wand he opened the wardrobe taking a step back behind Neville. Severus stepped out threateningly taking dangerous steps towards Neville. 'Think Neville think.' Remus encouraged.

'Ridiculous.' he shouted and right before their eyes Severus was wearing a green fur-lined jacket a hat with a bird perched on top and an obnoxious red handbag even savanna had to laugh as well and heels she looked at his feet heels dear Lord she wish she had a camera at the ready.'

'All right I want everyone to get in line and picture the thing they fear the most.' Remus said, the Bogart Severus looked around the room confused still dressed and Neville's grandmothers clothes Savanna was laughing her head off in the back of the room she knew this was going to be a good year. Remus put down the pin on the record player in music started to play through Savanna started to shimmy in her spot as Ron stepped forward

'All right Ron focus.' Remus instructed in the Bogart shifted and shifted again a giant spider was before him Ron quivered, Savannah didn't like spiders either.'

Wand at the ready,' Remus said and ron raised his wand nervously.

'Ridiculous.' Ron said and the spider was on roller skates the next student was up turning into a giant snake she held her wand saying ridiculous and it turned into a giant joke in the box

'Next.' Remus said laughing Harry was Up Next The Bogart took its time shifting before turning into a Dementor Remus jumped in front of him as the dementor came towards him and it shifted into the moon. In front of them all remus shouted, ridiculous he shot it, it turned into a balloon it's air blasting out around them as he sent it back into the wardrobe. Slamming it closed Remus turned back to the group.

'sorry everyone that's enough for today I can't have too much of a good thing.' Savanna came up to him placing a hand on his shoulder

'I'm OK,' remus said he was glad to have a friend here. 'I'm OK' she kissed his cheek before heading out.

Sunset // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now