Goblet has spoken

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Champions from each school were selected by the Goblet of Fire. They were Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, and Harry Potter. Harry potter? Savanna stood up looking over at harry. What had he done? How? No, he couldn't. there was no way... yet...

The trio of Champions wasn't allowed to be under the age of 17 based on the age spell that Dumbledore put in place. Despite those restrictions, Harry's name was chosen as the fourth Champion from the Goblet of Fire, everyone was furious he was 14. He couldnt be in the goblet of fire. Fred and george had tried and turned into old men the moment their names got in. Harry told Savanna he didnt put his name in and she believed him. Who in their right mind would want to do this competition?

'tri wizard. Tri. TRI! Three not four.' Savanna yelled.

'Madam Snape' albus tried to calm her to no avail.

'You cant have him do the trials albus. Hes just a boy. Hes not old enough. He is not allowed!' Savanna spat, she didn't get him back just to lose him to this tournament. Albus kept her away from his long enough and now he was going to get himself killed in the bloody competition.

'The goblet has spoken-'

'I am responsible for him and i say no'

'The goblet has sp-'

'I dont give a flying fuck what the goblet says! harry didnt put his name in and those trials are dangerous!' savanna hissed, severus stepped forward trying to calm her but she pulled away from his grip. 'albus. NO!'

'the goblet is a binding, magical contract.' Albus reminded her.

'Hes too young and the trails are deadly! They shouldn't have brought them back. Anyone who enters the competition loses their fucking minds! They are not in their right minds to begin with!" savanna told him, Viktor and Fleur looked her over with distaste. 'give me that look again when I'm patching you up after this tournament!' savanna hissed at them. 'you are going to get hurt and I am going to try my best to fix you up. Because you three put your names in, harry didn't. he doesnt want this!' savanna pleaded.

'its true. I don't. I didn't put my name in.' harry told them for the millionth time.

'The goblet has spoken.' Albus reminded her.

'Harry isnt old enough and he doesnt want to. He didnt put his name in-' savanna pleaded, she wasn't going to allow this. People died, they stopped the tournaments because people died for a cup and five minutes of glory. 'albus, no. I wont be patching him up. He is not doing this.' Savanna begged.

'The goblet has spoken ms. Snape it is a binding contract' ablus repeated.

'But he didnt out his name in!' Savanna yelled, severus again tried to stop her but she thrashed her arm away from him. 'its not binding. It is bound with whoever put his name in. not harry, not my harry.'

'Savanna.' Severus knew it was no use, but he admired her love for the boy.

'Im sorry my hands are tied. ' albus told her.

'Severus!' Savanna declared 'do something!'

'I agree with Savanna' severus told him. 'harry is too young and there is only supposed to be three champions.'

'Of course you do, you and your sister used to be connected at the hip... But as i said the goblet-'

'Has spoken yeah yeah.' Savanna muttered.

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