Peter Petigrew

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'Peter is here savanna.'

'I know. I saw it on the map.' savanna told him.

'I have to find him. It's the only way to clear my name.'

'I want him dead for what he did to james and lily.' savanna added.

'my too.' sirius kissed her before she headed out.

'stay put. I don't want you getting hurt or worse.' savanna told him.

'good thing my still very sexy fiance is a healer.' sirius teased.

'stay.' she smiled back at him. 'good dog.' she teased laughing as she rushed out.

Harry Hermione Ron were investigating, getting themselves into trouble more like it when a big black dog jumped out at them.

'it's the grim!' Ron shouted but the dog jumped right past Harry and Hermione dragging Ron and his rat down into the tunnel Ron screamed out for help as they were dragged underneath the whomping willow.

'Severus somethings going on with the whomping willow.' Savanna said seeing it shaking hearing screams echoed

'Remus somethings going on... after I have to tell you something but but but but there's there's some in ...' she didn't have words she fixed her hair, tying the ribbon tighter around her hair and she ran outside Remus and Severus followed after her.

'Immobilous' savanna shouted at the whomping willow it froze as her and remus entered.

The shrieking shack moans and groans filled the old shaky building

'Harry it's a trap the dog is not a dog it's an Anamagus,' Ron said when Harry and Hermione arrived they turned around to see black footprints leading to a man.

'If you want to kill Harry you're going to have to kill us!' Hermione said

'No why would I do that?' sirius questioned

'They trusted you!' harry screamed and pulled Sirius to the ground pointing his wand threateningly at his face

'Are you going to kill me harry?' Sirius questioned with a laugh.

'Expelliamus.' remus said disarming Harry before pointing his own wand at Sirius. 'well well sirius your face really reflects the madness doesn't it??'

'Well you would know all about the madness wouldn't you Remus?' Remus put down his wand smiling as he helped him up. He hugged his friend.

'I found him let's kill him.' sirius said happily.

'I know' Remus agreed 'sassy and I-'

'No!' Hermione shouted 'I trusted you and all this time you have been his friend, he is a werewolf that is why he has been missing classes.' Hermione said pointing at Remus

'How do you know that?' remus questioned

'Since Professor Snape made us write the essay.'

'Well well Hermione really are the brightest witch of your age.' Remus encouraged.

'Come on Remus enough talk let's kill him.' Sirius begged.

'Madame snape please you have to stop them!' Ron begged

'Sirius stop scaring them.' savanna told him a smile on her lips.

'shes part of this?' ron questioned incredulously.

'I did my waiting 12 years of it in Azkaban!' sirius shouted and they looked back at the Trio

'Very well kill him but wait one more minute Harrry has the right to know why.' Remus told him

'I know why.' Harry told them 'you betrayed my parents you are the reason they're dead.'

'No harry it is not him.' Savanna told him 'someone did kill your parents but it was not Sirius, it was someone until quite recently we believed was dead.'

'Who was it then?' Harry shouted

'Peter Pettigrew.' Sirius said 'and he's in this room right now come out come out Peter come out and play!' Severus came running in disarming sirius

'Revenge is sweet I hope that I would be the one to catch you.' Severus told them.

'Severus.' Remus said and severus pointed his wand at Remus he took a step back

'I told Dumbledore about my concerns about letting your old friend into the castle and now there is the proof.' Severus said as Savanna stepped in front of sirius

'As usual Severus you have come to all the wrong conclusions and if you don't mind Remus and I and Savannah have some unfinished business to attend to.' sirius stepped in front of Savanna getting closer and closer to Severus.

'Severus no!' Savanna screamed

'Give me a reason...' Severus said pointing his want to sirius throat

'Severus don't be a fool.' Remus said

'Look at you too quarreling like an old married couple.' Severus said

'Why don't you go play with your chemistry set,' sirius suggested and seversus pointed his wand more harshly into his neck.

'I could do it you know but why deny them because they are so longing to see you... do I detect a flicker of fear the Dementor's kiss I can only imagine what that is like.' Severus threatened.

'Severus please' savanna begged 'you don't understand'

'The Dementors kiss is said to be unbearabl.'e he went on ignoring his sisters pleas 'but I will do my best.'

'Severs please.' Remus and savanna begged

'After You.' Severus said pointing outside of the shrieking shack but Harry stepped forward wand in hand he pointed it sirius before turning it quickly on Severus

'Expeliamus!" he shouted Severus went flying back a shriek escaped savanna's mouth as she watched her brother fly across the room.

'Harry what did you just do?' Ron questioned

'You attack the teacher.' Hermione told him baffled.

'Tell me about Peter Pettigrew!' Harry demanded

'He was at school with us we thought he was our friend.' Remus told him

'No Pettigrew's dead you killed him.' Harry told sirius

'No he didn't.' Remus told him 'but I thought he was dead too until I saw him on the map.'

'The map was wrong.' Harry said.

'I made that map, Harry. What it said was truth.' Savanna told him.

'The map never lies Pettigrew is alive.' sirius said 'And he is right there.' he pointed at Ron

'Me?' Ron questioned 'he is mental.'

'No not you.' sirius said 'your rat.'

'Scabers has been in my family for-'

'12 years curiously long life for a common rat.' sirius reminded him 'and he's missing a toe isn't he?'

'So what?' ron stammered.

'All they could find a Peter Pettigrew...' Harry said coming to the realization

'Was his finger.' sirius finished off 'so everyone thought he was dead. And then he transformed into a rat.'

'Show me.' Harry demanded. Sirius wrestled the rat out of Ron's grasp

'Give it to him Ron'

'What are you doing?' Ron cried 'Scabbers leave him alone!' sirius threw him down onto the piano Savanna Remus and sirius pointed their wands at the rat he ran back-and-forth trying to escape but he transformed his butt getting stuck in the wall.

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