Yule ball

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But the yule ball came and their relationship was brought into the light. Severus had already known, of course he knew. Savanna was sneaking off, coming back smelling of Sirius, he knew and he knew why savanna hide it from him.

Savanna looked beautiful but of course she did. She smiled over at her brother as he finished getting ready. She helped him with his bowtie before there was a knock at the door. Savanna turned around seeing sirius a smile appeared on her face as his jaw dropped.

'Wow savanna,' he said looking her over. 'Gorgeous.'

'Go on...' severus said softly and savanna looked up to Severus. 'I know.... its fine. Go on.' He repeated kissing her head and savanna ran to sirius wrapping her arms around him as his lips met hers.

'And you my dear look so handsome.' savanna said as his cold hands hit her bare back sending a shiver down her spine. Severus cleared his throat as sirius continued to kiss savanna. Sirius tongue meeting savannas severus nudged sirius out of the way.

'Time to go sav.' Severus told them. Sirius wrapped an arm around savannas waist as they walked. James remus and peter were waiting for them. Lilly came running up with her friends she smiled at severus before grabbing james by the collar and dragging him onto the dance floor.

'Hey severus you having fun?' Savanna asked as he twirled her around.

'With you? Always.' Severus told her.

'Im about to be the best sister ever. Dont move.' Savanna declared. Severus stood awkwardly alone on the dance floor as savanna maneuvered through the students. She grabbed remus and sirius and peter. Whispered in their ear and they grabbed james dragging him away laughing as savanna grabbed lily.

'Dance with me.' savanna demanded grabbing lillys hand pulling her with her

'Its a slow song sassy.' lilly told her 'i want to dance with-'

'Severus wow look at this. You know im to tired.' Savanna said and severus face dropped, his eyes wide as they approached. 'Dance with lily for me.' she faked a yawn practically throwing lilly at him. Savanna made her way back looking through the crowd. Lily smiled as she leaned into severus. Savanna had never seen severus so happy.

'Dance with me gorgeous.' sirius said grabbing her hand.

'Wheres james?' Savanna questioned looking around

'Moony is getting him high. Dont worry your little plan will give them plenty of time.' Sirius assured her

'Thank you and im sorry i know hes your best friend and hes my friend too-' savanna said resting her head on his shoulder

'But severus is your brother and you love him and james is still a right shit to him.' Sirius added

'Thank you.' Savanna said her lips brushing against his.

'Anything for you. You are my forever.' Sirius told her. Savanna was on Sirius arm all night, as he spun her around the dance floor. 

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