The order

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Order of the Phoenix

'He is getting stronger and stronger by the minute we have to act now.' Sirius said, a hand on savannas leg, she leaned into him. It had been over a year since she got him back but she still had to pinch herself sometimes, remind herself this wasn't a dream because she certainly had this dream repeatedly over the years. Just then harry was brought in, Sirius smiled over at him as Mrs. Weasley closed the kitchen door, hugging Harry and leading him away from the meeting.

'Moody,' Savanna said, 'nice to have the real you.'

'I'm really surprised you didn't realize it wasn't me. that hurts Snape.' He sassed. Alister moody didn't trust either Snape. Severus and savanna were not to be trusted. He didn't care what Albus said, Severus was a death eater and savanna was loyal to her brother. Always saw the good even when everyone else thought there was no good to be seen.

'I want to see him.' Savanna told Sirius.

'yes, lets eat. Let the children come down.' Sirius agreed.

harry and the weasley children came running down the stairs for supper as Fred and George aparated down, startling Molly.

'Just because you can do magic now doesn't mean you have to pop everywhere!' Mrs. Weasley yelled at her son's.

'Harry Potter,' Sirius said opening his arms out

'Sirius!' Harry said hugging him tightly. 'Savanna!' harry moved to her next.

'hi sweetie.' Savanna kissed the top of his head. 'I missed you.'

'I missed you too.'

'I'm sorry about all this.' Savanna told him. 'next break you stay with me.' savanna told him.

'I would like that.' harry told her. with the order business she thought it safer for harry to be away from the wizarding world but she was sorely mistaken.


'I don't understand what the ministry of magic has against me.' Harry told them, savanna kept her hands on harrys shoulders, she missed him dearly. Screw albus. Savanna was harrys godmother, she was going to take care of him.

'show him,' Moody said 'he'll find out soon enough.' They passed him down a daily prophet.

'He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. Fudge is using all his power and influence over the daily prophet to smear anyone who claims the dark Lord is real,' sirius told him

'Why?' Harry questioned incredulously

'The minister thinks Dumbledore is failing at his job.' Remus told him.

'That's insane, no one in their right mind would believe that Dumbledore-' Harry began.

'That's the point, fudge is not in his right mind. He is being twisted and warped by fear.' Remus told him 'and fear makes us do a lot of things fear and power almost destroyed everything we hold most dear and now he has returned and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing the truth.'

'We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again,' Sirius went on his gaze flickering to a semi distraught Savanna, her eyes scanning the paper again and again, her brother was there, helping, not helping gathering information... she worried for him more and more. The death eaters were dangerous before but now... Voldemort was back, severus could get hurt, KILLED if voldemort caught him working for both sides. She didn't want to have to bury her brother.

'14 years ago he had huge number of followers not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures,' Sirius went on 'his numbers have been increasing heavily and we have been trying to do the same but a gathering of follower isn't the only thing he's interested in... we believe Voldemort might be after something.'

'Sirius.' moody warned

'Something he did not have last time.' Sirius went on looking to Savanna, she nodded, harry had a right to know.

'What do you mean like a weapon?' Harry asked . Sirius was about to answer, when moll spoke up.

'That's enough,' Mrs. Weasley said 'he's just a boy, you tell him much more and you might as well induct him into the order.'

'I want to join, if Voldemort is raising army then I want to join.' Harry told them.

'brave idiot like his father.' Savanna remarked. Harry shot her a look but she just kissed his cheek. 'I called you brave.' She countered.

'and an idiot.' Harry recalled.

'James, to a tee.' Savanna told him and harry smiled up at her.

"There you have it, he wants to join.' Sirius said winking at Harry.

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