You have to mean it

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Bellatrix ran down the halls laughing and singing. 'i killed sirius Black!' Bellatrix's voice echoed through the hallway. 'i killed Savanna Snape!' she sung happily. 'I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" but Harry blasted Bellatrix sending her down to the ground she turned around quivering as Harry came threateningly close.

'You have to Mean It Harry. She killed Sirius and savanna, two people that loved you, she deserves it.' a voice that in Harry's head told him. 'you know the spell Harry.' Bellatrix smiled as the dark Lord appeared 'do it for them...' Harry spun around finally seeing him but Voldemort shot his wand to the ground.

'So weak' Voldemort noted ready to end things once and for all but Albus stepped out of the fire fireplace

'It was foolish of you to come here tonight the aurors are on their way,' Albus said stepping protectively in front of harry.

'By which time I will be gone and you will be dead.' Voldemort informed him Harry jumped out the way. Bellatrix slid into the fire getting sucked up as Voldemort and Albus bought their wands out blazing blasting away. the men dueled, wands expelling spells like lightning. Voldemort blew a burst of fire from her lips a giant snake made a fire came swooping down mouth opened wide for Albus it burned everything it touched but Albus controlled the water surrounding Voldemort in a bubble of water. Voldemort tried to get out but he felt himself drowning. He dropped to the ground, panting for breath. Anger filled Voldemort as he turned back to Albus, his hands flew up over his head he used all his strength he screamed out forcing Albus back and breaking every window shattered around him. Voldemort summoned the glass shards sending them at Albus with extreme force but Albus did a spell turning the shards to snow around them with Voldemorts hands raised above his head he looked very disappointed, the smug look wiped from his face. he lowered his hands taking a step back, before disappearing into nothingness.


Harry collapsed to the ground Dumbledore crouched before him

'You have lost old man.' Harry said before visions of his parents death of sirius's death, savanna's death, of Cedric ran through his mind he was trapped in his head as he panting for breath.

'Harry?' Albus asked

'So weak so vulnerable' Voldemort said echoing in his head Harry, he was trapped in his own mind

'Harry it is not how you two are alike it is how you two are different,' albus assured him. Memories of all the good flashed his head when he saw his friends come up behind them all the good times brought him back. His time with savanna and Sirius, memories of his parents. The stories savanna told him about his parents, flashed through his mind.

'You are the weak one and you have never known love or friendship.' Harry said

'what do you have? Nothing.' Voldemort hissed 'you parents are gone, your godfather is gone, godmother, gone, soon you will join them.'

'and I feel sorry for you.' He was speaking directly to Voldemort their minds connected he saw flashes of Voldemort's own pain before, he saw flashes of his pain, he saw the pain and darkness, time stood still as Harry lay on the ground Voldemort over him

'You are a fool Harry Potter' Voldemort said 'and you will lose everything'. He looked up seeing the aurors approaching they saw Voldemort, the aurors whispered it's him, hes back, before Voldemort disappeared .They had to believe Albus Dumbledore now, there was no denying it.

'He's back.' the minister declared. His voice a rasp as a flurry of worry fluttered through the ministry.

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