One day perhaps

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Sirius was sitting in the cell waiting for his death when Hermione and Harry came riding a hippogriff breaking him free

'I will be forever grateful for this to both of you.' Sirius told them

'I want to go with you.' harry told Sirius

'One day perhaps.' sirius told him 'right now my life is too unpredictable besides you are meant to be here.'

'But you are innocent.' harry reminded him

'And you know it, savanna knows it and that'll have to do. I suppose you're tired of hearing this but you look so much like your father except your eyes you have-'

'My mother's eyes.'

'It's cruel that I got to spend so much time with James and Lily and you so little.' sirius told him 'but know the ones that love us never really leave us and you can always find them in here.' he placed a hand Harry's chest over his heart.

'Sirius!' Savannah exclaimed running to him he hugged her tight. 'You're leaving?'

'I wish I didn't have to but I do.' Sirius told her kissing her again.

'I know you do.' Savanna said softly.

'I'll find you.' sirius told her

'You better I don't wanna have to go searching the woods for you.' Savanna teased.

'I'll meet you tomorrow at sunset at our spot.'

'Our spot.' she repeated a smile on her face as he took off into the air.


Jazz music played in the defense against the dark arts office Savanna was dancing around the room

'Hello Harry.' Remus said his back to harry, 'I saw you coming.' He motioned to the map, closing up and packing more of his belongings Harry just stared at him.

'hello harry.' Savanna said turning to him as well.

'Don't worry I have looked worse.' Remus told him, scratches on his face and arms.

'It's true he really has.' Savanna agreed Remus rolled his eyes

'Have you been sacked?.' Harry questioned

'No I resigned' remus informed him.

'Resigned? Why?'

'It appears someone let slip the nature of my... Condition.' Remus said 'by this time tomorrow there will be owls sent and parents will not want a... Someone like me teaching their children.'

'But Dumbledore-'

'Dumbledore has already risked enough for me besides people like me well let's just say that I'm used to it by now.' another wave of his wand in his trunk was all packed up.

'why do you look so miserable Harry?' savanna questioned

'None of it made any difference' Harry told them 'Pettigrew escaped-'

'Didn't make any difference?' remus questioned.

'It made all the difference in the world.' Savanna assured him,

'you helped uncover the truth, you helped save a man from a terrible fate it made a great deal of difference.' remus told him as savanna traced a finger through harry hair, Harry leaned into her.

'I agree without you Sirius would be dead.' Savanna said her voice hitched in her throat.

'If I am proud of anything it is how much you learn this year.' Remus added.

'And I am proud that no matter how many times you wound up in my hospital wing you are still somehow alive.' Savanna told him

'Now since I am no longer a teacher I feel no guilt whatsoever about getting this back to you.' Remus pointed to the map 'so now I will say goodbye Harry but I'm sure we will meet again until then...' remus looked to savanna. She pointed her wand down to the map.

'mischief managed.' she said closing up the map. Remus hugged her goodbye. 'I will be seeing you soon.' Savanna told him. He kissed her cheek before leaving his office for the final time Harry watched him go Savanna ran her hand over the map. 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good...' she whispered. The map revealed itself she read the names quietly Mooney padfoot worm tail prongs and purr... harry looked back at her, a small smile on her face. 'mischief managed' she said it's sealed itself back up

before leaving herself. Harry wanted to ask her about what Sirius told him. About her being harry's godmother but she was gone.

'Where on earth did you get it?'

'What are you talking about?'

'I didn't mean to open it Harry it was poorly wrapped and they made me do it.' Ron said pointing at his brothers.

'We did not.' Fred and George answered they opened it up

'A fire bolt one of the fastest brooms.'

'Who sent it?' harry questioned

'No one knows but this came with this.' harry couldn't help but notice the ribbon attached to the handle looked very familiar to those of which Savanna Snape wore in her hair they rushed outside to test the broom harry took off into the air it was certainly fast.

Sunset // Sirius BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant