Truth potion...

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'Severus?' savanna looked around the potions classroom expecting to see her brother but she didn't she turned to leave when she heard a bang of a head hitting a shelf.

'blasted.' Severus muttered.

'what are you doing in there?' savanna questioned opening up the door more, severus rubbed at his head, annoyed.

'I am missing some stocks.' Severus remarked going through his cabinet of supplies.

'you sure you didn't just break it? Banging your head like that?' she put a gentle hand on his head and light radiated from her fingers and the pain from his head vanished.

'thank you.' He murmured, taking a step back. 'I'm certain a student was in here.' Severus told her.


'It is Veritaserum — a Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear. Now, the use of this potion is controlled by very strict Ministry guidelines. But unless you watch your step, you might just find that my hand slips — right over your evening pumpkin juice. And then, Potter... then we'll find out whether you've been in my office or not.' Severus threatened.

'Sevy,' savanna warned and severus spun around, standing upright he offered her an almost smile. 'harry has enough to worry about.' Savanna reminded him.

'I didn't, it wasn't me savanna.' Harry told her taking quick steps back to her.

'I believe you... go on.' Savanna said kissing the top of his head.

'you baby him.' Severus remarked.

'he was never showed love, kindness by family-'


'I swear to God severus if you say I am not family I will ruin the rest of your stocks and dump the broken glass all over your room.' Savanna threatened.

'wow, violent.' Severus said holding her at arms length.

'sorry...' she whispered tipping her head against his chest. 'its these competitions.' She told him wrapping her arms around him. 'they make me crazy!' she exclaimed.

'he is lucky to have you... Harry.' Severus remarked.

'I'm lucky to have you.' Savanna countered.

'yes you are.' Severus agreed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 'now help me find the thief!' he declared.


Assembled at the edge of the lake for the second task. The merpeople had taken something that 'you'll sorely miss' from each contestant, and the champions were given one hour to get it back.

For all four champions, that missing something turned out to be an important person in their lives: Hermione Granger was Krum's captive, even though they'd been hanging out for about a day; Ron Weasley was, of course, Harry's; Fleur's little sister Gabrielle was taken to spur her on, while Cho Chang was Diggory's. Neville gave harry some gillyweed, that would help him breathe underwater but savanna didn't know that, she thought for sure harry would drown. Savanna bit at her nails as she waited for harry to come up to the surface. It seemed like forever. Had she known about this challenge she would have...

'severus?' savanna questioned.

'youre going to bite your nail right to the numb.' Severus told her pulling her hand away from her mouth.

'what was missing from your stock room again?'

'Gillyweed.' Severus informed her.

'shit.' She muttered. Then she saw the smug smile on neville's face. 'ill be right back.' She said distractedly as she left severus side.

'savanna?' he called after her thoroughly confused.

'Neville.' Savanna whispered softly in his ear, 'did you take gillyweed from my brothers stock room?' neville gulped, his eyes wide not daring to look back at savanna. 'tell me now please so I can stop freaking out.' Savanna said calmly.

'y-yes.' Neville told her.

'and you gave it to harry?' she whispered.

'y-yes...' Neville looked back at her as she hugged him tight. '-yo-you're not mad?' he questioned. She pressed a kiss to his cheek.

'mad? I can breathe again.' Savanna told him walking back to her brothers side.

'what was that?' severus questioned.

'what?' she questioned faming ignorance.

'with Longbottom.' Severus clarified.

'don't worry about it.' Savanna said wrapping an arm around his waist leaning into him. Harry could breathe now all he needed to do was come up for air in one piece.

finally harry popped up with not just Ron but Gabrielle. Fleur hadn't gotten her sister, harry saved them both. Despite finishing third, it was decided that Harry would be awarded second place after Diggory for saving everyone and showing great courage.

'I need a drink.' Savanna muttered. 'this competition is going to give me a heart attack.' Savanna told severus as she wrapped up harry in a towel. 'you did honey.' Savanna encouraged.

'thanks savanna.' Harry said shivering. Going into the third task, Harry and Diggory were tied in first place with Krum in second and Delacour positioned third.

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