I'm Here!

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Mina's POV

I wish Chaeyoung was here. This is really tiring. zzzzz

I sit in my stool, almost finished with the recording of my melody project. JYP noticed my cover of Snowman by SIA in one of my V-Lives, and they wanted me to sing it for my melpro.

"All set, Mina-ssi! You were fantastic!" I smile as I hear the director's shot calls. She's really nice, she really pushed me into expanding my vocal range. I whip out my phone to text her, updating her about everything that happened.

My cub <3

Baby! I'm done recording my song~

I'm going to get ready for my shooting, wish me luck!

That's great love! Proud of you! Hwaiting! <33

I love you~

I love you more!

I close my phone as I put on my white dress. I stand in awe as I see the set for my MV, it was perfect. They even included Chaeyoung's artwork! I sit in my stool, recording some of my lines. The staff really encouraged me by cheering on and complimenting me, they were a huge help, but I miss the small one.

Chaeyoung's POV

Hmmmm... I think I'm going to get all of them.

I walk to Mina's MV location, my hand carrying the amount of sweets I brought for us. I smile at the picture she sent me, she's so pretty with or without makeup. I open the door quietly, greeting the staff without Mina seeing me. I walk slowly, surprising Mina with a scream.

"HIIIIIII!!!" Mina shrieks. Her hands waving in the air as she sees me.

"Why are you so pretty, huh? My baby's so pretty!" I say, hearing her giggles. The staff knows all about us so it's no big deal. I sit in the background, watching Mina record. It seems that her mood had lightened up a bit, which is nice. I sway my arms, together with our managers' as we watch Mina act pretty without trying.

Mina's POV

Chiyong's here!

"I brought something sweet!" She shouts, my face conjuring into a smile.

"Gomawo Chaeyoung-ah!"

I quickly finish the first parts of my MV. Chaeyoung walks slowly towards me, being careful about the set. I hug her by the waist as the cameramen shoot us.

"I thought you weren't coming?" I ask as I smell her strawberry scent.

"I happen to pass by the area. I brought cookies and scones."

"Really? Thank youuuu~" Chaeyoung leaves for a moment, putting the food down. The crew started asking me about Chaeyoung for the behind the scenes video.

"Did you know that Chaeyoung was coming?"

"Yes. She kept telling me yesterday, but I thought she wouldn't because we were all tired and it is our rest day today." The staff cooed as they love how sweet Chaeyoung is.

"What's your message for Chaeyoung while she isn't here?" I smile, taking up the offer.

"Thank you Chaeyoung-ah! I love you~" Showing a finger heart to the camera. She's going to love this.

I search for her, seeing her in the break room setting up the snacks she bought. I hug her from behind, curious to what she's doing.

"Let's eat!" She says before turning around, hugging me tightly. We munch on the scones and cookies she brought, but her favorite will always be my favorite as well.

Fluff MiChaeng OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora