Caffeine Pt.2

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Mina's holding Chaeyoung, after the rough night, she decided to pay attention only on her. She decided to fix the pillow fort Chaeyoung made while she was asleep, placing the TV inside and getting her Nintendo Switch connected. She wanted to surprise her with a playdate, so she got her unopened Lego boxes and placed it in their area. She got her canvases and thought about the Tiktok video she watched, wherein they switch every 10 minutes.

Chaeyoung woke up and saw the different things laid out on the floor. She took Sun and went up to Mina, who's cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast.

"Good morning baby, what's all this?" Chaeyoung said while kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"I told you I'd make it up to you, get the plates I'm almost done here." Chaeyoung laid out their utensils and made some coffee for the both of them.

"I have a day planned out for us. I'm really sorry for breaking your heart yesterday, but I swear today will help repair it in no time." Mina says while feeding Chaeyoung, staring at the cub's eyes lovingly.

"Omkay baby, Id mvlove that, i wuv u" Chaeyoung says while having her mouth full with food.

The two finished eating breakfast and started their day. Mina laid out their outfits while Chaeyoung was in the bathtub, having a cute little bubble bath. White t-shirts with pajamas with their representing animals, tiger cubs and penguins, and fluffy slippers. Mina starts by having their hands covered in paint, and starts by pressing onto Chaeyoung's breasts.

"Hey!" Chaeyoung exclaims while Mina laughs loudly.

"This way everyone would know who you belong to." Chaeyoung nods while Mina explains the point of the shirts.

Chaeyoung does the same and sneakily boops Mina's nose, leaving paint on her face. Mina made a cute face and they washed their hands, ready for the next activity.

"So this one we have to switch canvases every 10 minutes, this looks like something you'd do so lets go!" Mina pulls Chaeyoung to the painting area.

The two switched canvases and ended up with cute art. Chaeyoung's original painting was Mina, but Mina ended up adding penguin features to herself, while Mina tried her best to paint Chaeyoung with tiger ears and whiskers, Chaeyoung noticed so she helped in completing the artwork. The two laughed and cuddled throughout the afternoon while building Mina's Lego sets. Chaeyoung finding the pieces Mina needed and watched as her beautiful girlfriend build.

"I love this. Thank you Mina, but I think you forgot something."

Mina raised her eyebrow and Chaeyoung revealed a secret activity they would do, playing their Nintendo Switch. Mina turned on the TV and started Mario Kart. Chaeyoung being inexperienced, kept bumping into the sides and was losing the race. Mina didn't want the latter to feel sad, so she just stared at her, while they were playing. Chaeyoung eventually won and jumped up and down while hugging Mina.

She took a nap while being in Mina's embrace. Mina let out a sigh while feeling proud of herself for today. She really outdid herself, and she will only do that for Chaeyoung.

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