Detective Izuku

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A little thing before the chapter starts, I kept it hidden who the real killer is, at the end, there is a massive spoiler to who its aimed at, But I have put enough hints within the story so that you all can figure it out, I tried my best to make it a mystery. hopefully a good one, now to the chapter.

'' Truth what do you do when we aren't here, Is there like something a god does in his off time.'' Ochaco asked with Mina started to wave her arms around like a madman.'' THAT THAT IS THE THING I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO ASK, BUT I KEEP FORGETTING TO ASK IT.'' Truth just laughed as many others started agreeing with Ochaco and Mina, wanting to know the answer, 

Truth thought about it for a second, seeing what he did normally was kinda, well normal, It just happens.'' Well I guess I eat alot, It doesn't really fill me up, I just like the taste of certain foods, And well I work on universes, Alot of them require alot of tweaks and stuff, and I like to game, Humanity makes the best games,.'' Truth said laughing as they all looked a little down.

'' What, that answer does not suit your taste, wanting something more along the lines of, I play volleyball with the sun, have dates with death, remove entire worlds because they do not worship me enough?'' With Kaminari laughing, not sure if it's the truth or more a joke.'' I mean kinda, Hearing a god likes to play video games kinda sucks.'' Well excuse me, but here is a god moment, I created an entire world, Where I and other gods, play a group of soldiers over and over again with us just reviving them after their deaths, See that more godlike right.''

'' WHAT THE HELL,'' Nana said seeing that Truth played with the lives of people like they were nothing.'' What I am just saying, is the people in games, That is just like them for me, Just no weird bugs that keep people from not being shot, No inhuman peaking or angles that require the user to break their legs and necks to hold, Just the best tactical shooter in the world,'' Is it wrong of me to kinda want to play that game,'' Sero asked liking shooters, there were just too many bugs.

'' I dont get shooter games, I prefer detective games, Solving puzzles on who is the killer, It's my favorite thing to do,'' Saiko said, She mostly tried doing it without the help of tea, and her quirk, It just made for such an enjoyable afternoon.'' Well, how about we watch a universe like that, Izuku as a detective solving crimes. I won't say anything about the world to keep it a surprise, But it will be all your responsibility to figure out who the killer or killers might be aswell as the secret message hidden within the story.'' Truth said as he snapped his fingers starting the world.

 We see Izuku step out of a black sedan. He wore a nice suit, Izuku started walking, A couple of officers standing guard at an entrance of an old run-down warehouse.'' Good Morning detective Midoriya, Watch out in there it's not a pretty sight.'' Izuku gave the cop a nod as he ducked a little under the yellow tape.'' I will, and you, close your jacket, Don't want you to catch a cold, You have your trip with your kids remember.'' The officer nodded with a chuckle as Izuku walked deeper into the warehouse.

He noticed it quickly, The corner of the main area, lay a body, slumped down, with dried blood, Running down the clothing, the Right side of the shirt fully covered and even drops reaching his pants,'' What do we have Tsukauchi.'' Midoriya, Nice for you to show up,'' Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi said as he opened his notebook.'' We have a black male, from America, 28 years old, Named Bryan Karr, First look is that he died of blood loss.'' Izuku nodded as he walked closer to the dead body, taking a set of blue surgical gloves and putting them on, allowing him to touch the stuff.

They instantly had to cover their mouths This was a hard site to look at.'' Damn, That cop was right, This really is a hard site to look at, But how the hell is nobody gagging or throwing up, Just look at that,'' Maybe, I do however believe our first clue has been given.'' Nezu spoke mostly talking to himself to get an understanding.

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