Ice Ice Izuku part 2

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while Truth was looking for the next world they could watch, the group decided they would entertain themselves.'' Hey guys, I know something fun we can do, lets's give each other assumptions'' Kaminari said with a laugh.'' What you mean dunce's face.'' Bakugo asked.'' Well, this, I feel that Bakugo practices his nicknames in the mirror before using them to make sure they sound nice and aggressive.'' This received a good amount of laughs and made everyone understand the name of the game. So they began.

'' Well I believe, Midoriya, in fact, does do his hair, He wakes up each morning, and fixes his hair in this sort of organized chaos manner Because that should not be as fluffy if he doesn't care for it.'' YEAH, IT TAKES ME HOURS OF WORK EACH WEEK TO KEEP THIS HEAD FLUFFY AND YOU WAKE UP LIKE THAT, I CALL LIES.'' Mina screamed with Izuku just blushing.'' I really don't know what you guys mean, This is just my hair, Don't really know what else to say.'' Well I kinda believe, Ida cleans every single one of his glasses each morning or night,'' Sero said with a chuckle

The adults joined in aswell.'' I believe, Aizawa isn't as tired as he always says, His sleep schedule is fine, and not even close to having a need to sleep the entire day or the need to carry a sleeping bag everywhere you go.'' Present Mic said while looking Aizawa who was in his sleeping bag straight in the eyes. Aizawa just looked back, smirking as he took a sip of coffee.'' Well, no matter if that is the case, I kinda want to watch this, It's the next part of Ice Izuku.'' Truth said with a smile.

'' That was the one where I gave Izuku, an extremely powerful ice quirk correct.''  Jup, You don't live with your family but you care for them a great deal, So you gave your quirkless son a quirk that turns him to ice, He then becomes very powerful, but lacks control, Now then let's watch it shall we. We pick up right after the entrance exam

 As the screen starts showing colors we see Izuku standing in a forest, also there aren't many tries, and the sides are clear, in the distance, there are a few houses, But as the camera flies up as Izuku creates a large ice tree. It shows that Izuku is in the middle of an island, All Alone and with no way of escape, While most would freak out, for Izuku it was just the place he could work out, free to test out his quirk. So here he was, a week after the UA entrance exam, He was training his quirk.

'' How the hell did he get to that island, Don't tells me he fucking swam all the way out there'' Mitsuki asked worried for him, She understood that swimming was great for working out, But that seemed like a bit much.'' Why go that far, It seems too much seeing as he already trains his quirk.''Truth didnt answer as he just let them watch the show

Because, unlike last week, He had a moment of pure control, after seeing The same girl that showed him kindness nearly get attacked by a massive robot, He used his quirk, and unlike normal, He didnt freeze half of the field, he didnt hurt anyone else, He just created a perfect block of the entire robot, and he was trying to recreate his control of that day. But with very little success, So his skill stayed rather basic. But he was training for more control,

'' What does he mean by that'' Well, He is more focused on getting his control up, than learning more impressive things, Think like, he is training his normal punch, to perfect it, instead of just saying let's go to the next one, This got everyone to nod as they understood it now.

Unbeknownst to him however there was a drone, hiding at the top of one of the largest trees, looking right at Izuku, The drone was from AFO, No dark ideas, No evil intentions, Just a father trying to stay up to date on his son. He sat in his room, looking at his laptop toward Izuku training, on his desk, there were dozens of pictures, Of him and Inko, Of inko and Izuku, Of Izuku, There was one picture that was him and Inko smiling as he held Izuku in his arms, It was by far his most favorite moment, He called Inko once a week This was, of course, a very protective moment for both,

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