"Luke, Eloise, are you done?" The teacher asks us. I roll my eyes annoyed, of course, I am the bad guy in the story. He hasn't paid attention in the slightest and I'm the bad guy. I am not even gonna react to the rhetorical question. The teacher continues her lesson, and while I keep on writing everything down, I still get distracted by Luke's music. I pull on the string of his earphone, so hard that his phone falls on the ground. The wire is unplugged from his phone and the music is loudly hearable. "The both of you, get out." I gather my stuff and walk out of the room.

"It's almost hard to tell how much you like me." He smirks. My hands turn into fists as I hear his words and see his expression. He likes the way I'm reacting to him, but I can't feel anything but anger. I can't control it.

"Just get fucking lost." I hiss at him. "And leave me the fuck alone." I walk off and walk down the stairs.

"El?" I look up into some hazel eyes. The ones are so familiar and so welcoming to look in. They almost even feel like home when I'm looking into them. I can't help but smile while seeing him. Maybe I shouldn't have avoided him for such a long time. He deserves better and he did nothing wrong. "Earth to El." He says laughingly, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"I am sorry." I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him.

"Why did you ignore me?" He asks me, hugging me back.

"I just needed some time to think. I shouldn't have handled it the way I did." He lets go of me and his eyes find mine again.

"I figured you had a reason like that." He smiles at me. "Just happy you still wanna see me."

"How'd things end up with Cal?" I ask him.

"Well we did have a fight back home, and he's still pissed because he thinks we had sex." He shrugs. It has happened before, otherwise, he doesn't act this unbothered. "But I don't care how mad he gets, I just wanna be with you." He presses his lips onto mine and feels my knees weaken. I am not the type who just kisses someone in crowded places, and I probably will never be. Yet, I really want to feel his lips. I bring my hand to his neck while his hands are firmly around my waist.

"So you really are cheating on the weasel, huh?" I turn around to see Luke looking at me, a smirk on his face.

"Can you just leave me alone for once, dickface." He rolls his eyes and walks closer to me. His blue eyes are intimidating, they really are, but I will never admit to that. I will never react to that the way he wants me to.

"Don't act like you don't want me." He hisses. "Is Calum even okay with you dating two dudes? One of 'em is his best friend? I thought he was very strict about you dating boys, Eloise-Anne."

"How about you just leave her alone," Ashton says. "She's mine, so I appreciate it if you stop hitting on her in your degrading kinda way." I feel my cheeks heat up as he says those words. Does it mean we're actually together or was it simply to scare Luke off? Ashton places his hand on my lower back and leads me toward the exit of the building.

"Wait why are you so early done with your classes?" I ask him, realizing Luke and I were kicked out.

"Got kicked out because this one girl was far up my ass. She tried to have sex with me in class, I didn't want to though, but nothing happened. She just whined about it when I said I didn't want to." I look at him.

"I will literally hit her." Ashton chuckles as he notices my jealous reaction. "Why are girls so far up your asses?" I ask him, talking about Luke and Calum as well. I just don't see why everybody wants to get railed by them so badly.

"I honestly don't know."  He says, "But I don't want those brats."

"Have you slept with a lot of girls?" He nods, but it's clear to tell he isn't quite proud of it.

"Not as much as Luke or Calum. Most of the time I was just drunk and if I wasn't I'd just be a horny bastard." He says. I don't even wanna know how many girls my brother slept with, it's disgusting. Luke probably even has double the amount of Calum. Every girl here talks about how Luke is so great in bed - it's disgusting.

"Anyways, do you wanna go for a smoothie? I know a great place." He tells me, smiling as he grabs my hand. Already on his way to get the smoothie. "You look really beautiful by the way." He says. Slowly the bright sky turns darker and it's getting colder with every step I take.

"Is it far away from here? I think it's gonna rain anytime soon and my place is three minutes from here." He looks at me and at the sky. Slowly the rain is falling down and we walk to my place instead. The rain hits my skin harder when the wind also starts to appear. Goosebumps are appearing on my skin. Ashton's hair is soaked and it's funny how it's sticking to his face. As we're in front of the house I stand still for a second.

"El, come on, you're gonna get sick," Ashton tells me.

"But I've always wanted to kiss someone in the rain," I speak softly. He walks up to me again and chuckles.

"You are really something else." He says, pulling me closer to his body. His thumbs are tracing circles on my hips and it's driving me crazy. "Kiss me, Eloise." He says. I bring my arms up to his shoulders and bring myself up by standing on my toes. He's way taller than I am so he has to adjust to me. He leans down a little, but enough to still give me dominance. I brush my lips against him before pressing them on his. When his lips move against mine I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Because of the warmth, he's giving me, I almost feel like it's not cold anymore. As if we're not soaking wet by the rain by now. As if the goosebumps and cold have never existed at all.

Slowly I feel his tongue against my lips, which causes me to part my lips some more. Letting our tongues play a disgusting game, but I want nothing else at the moment. 

"El, as much as I like kissing you, I do think we need to head inside." He says against my lips. "We could bring this inside." I bite my lip and nod. I grab the keys out of my bag and open the door. Whenever I walk into the living room with Ashton I see Michael on the couch, naked, with Tammy underneath him.

When the fuck did that become reality and why did I find this out this way? This is disgusting - truly disgusting.


Hope you guys are enjoying it!!

Loads of love x

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