The mansion

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please enjoy the story and support the author, I am a new writer, mostly interested in horror writing, and English is not my first language 

warning !!!!

bl, sexual content, horror, boy x boy, drama, mention of death, creepy.

this level of writing is not for light-hearted people please read the warning as they apply the homophobic content

if you do not, like the story please DO NOT mention hateful  comments 


It was nearly nine pm and the night was cold. It was the start of winter but it didn't seem like the start judging by the cold outside. People were relaxing in their house, keeping themselves warm either by drinking hot cocoa or chilling with their heating system on. Most shops were closed at this time; some were open but the doors to them were closed so the cold wind cannot enter. Usually, it gets scary at this time due to darkness and alone streets but there was a boy who think otherwise. He is scared alright, but what can you do if you are super hungry and your mama is busy and dad is not home yet. Well... it's an excuse. What if you don't want to eat what is cooked at home because you are craving something else.

Ian was scared to even put his foot out of the house but he had to eat something before sleeping so here he was at the convenience store buying some groceries to cook. He can eat whatever is cooked at home but no.. he wants something else like he doesn't want the beef steak with potatoes and steamed vegetables, a big no, he wants some hot and spicy chicken wings with crispy fried noodles, and to get this stuff he was out in the market to purchase them. His parents know about it? No, they don't because his mama is not a very patient woman when it comes to eating unhealthy food. He looked around to get the frozen items to get but none was satisfying so he opted for the restaurant to get the cooked food, saving him from mom and cooking both at the same time. He went to the nearby fast-food joint, ordered his favorite, and paid. Problem solved? No.... because the main problem starts when he had to go back home. Yes, the way the home was long and quiet at night. As they were new in this area, this boy was not very much comfortable with the surroundings. You see, Ian and his parents shifted a month and a half ago in this area, they lived in New York after Mr. Darcy Williams got transferred to Los Angeles in the main headquarters of J. W. corporations they shifted in their beautiful house in the beautiful neighborhood. Mrs. Darcy also got the job as a nurse in a nearby hospital and Ian Williams was excited to have a change in his life but not this type of change where everything looks spooky in his eyes. He doesn't pay much attention to his surroundings unnecessarily but when something is scary it is scary right.

Ian is an 18 years old boy, studying fine arts in college. He is a very self-sufficient boy, he can cook edible for himself cause no one can beat his mama's cooking, wash his clothes, and can do small chores in the house easily. He is a great kid with an innocent mind. Ian is smart but not clever, he can be a brat but he is a good boy listening to whatever his parents say to him.

He wasn't particularly scared in the store or the restaurant but he is a bit scared when he had to go back home from that creepy way. There is a mansion, a dark mansion, standing at the start of the street, a tall and black-colored house that can give creeps to anyone. The house is big, with many windows and doors, and it has two gates at different angles of the house. Ian has never seen any light from that mansion throughout their stay in this neighborhood. No street lamp is illuminated in front of it as well. Something is off about the mansion, people say the residents have left the property and went for their other home but it didn't seem like it. No caretaker, no cleaner, no movement, or any other activity.

Other people were also suspicious about the mansion along with Ian but they ignored it as it wasn't their concern. The building was creepy and no one can tell Ian otherwise. He never looks at the mansion where he has to pass by so that's what he did, he never looked up and made his way quietly by the front of the mansion. Not everything goes as you planned, Ian walked and tried to ignore every swish of the cold wind telling him something. He was walking past the road on which the mansion is located only to freeze when he saw someone standing right in front of him. It was the black figure, a total black figure. It seems that the figure is looking down. It was tall and had a wide aura. Upon seeing the figure Ian was scared, he was chilled to the spine, the figure was standing and not moving a muscle and probably looking down. Ian had to pass him anyhow so he decided quickly, he had to pretend that he is not scared at all but how. 'If it's a prank of any stupid kid around here, then I am going to be a laughing stock for the rest of my life he thought. He chuckled and said nervously

"oh man, you scared me I thought I saw a ghost......." He said nervously biting his lips. The silhouette in front of him didn't move a bit, Ian got chills when the wind blew past him, he shivered 'I must leave' he thought and started walking again with gathered courage. He walked past the man but the man didn't turn or move, Ian could smell the burning of something very strongly, he wanted to turn around to look at what is burning so strongly but he had to see the figure so he decide not to turn but that smell seemed so close, promising himself that he would run very fast if something is out of the ordinary, he turned around, but there was no one, no figure, no smell nothing. He scratched his head a bit confused 'where did the man go' he thought before speaking his thoughts loudly "hello! Is anybody there..." no voice came in response 'why am I worried over this crappy place and scary man' he thought before a really strong hit of the wind made him stumble and lose the balance, now he was sitting on the ground with his stuff, looking around with wide eyes. He stood up and looked around again. "I better leave before there will be someone". He said and stared at the mansion's terrace, he saw that black figure which was standing in front of him a few minutes ago, standing at the very edge of the terrace. Ian wanted to run and that's what he did, after running from the street he was panting near the fence of his own house. "what was that, if those were kids they got me bad" he said not believing what he saw was true from any angle "finally I am home, and I also got the food safe and sound" he was planning a comedy movie with his food and long night because of the weekend, he hummed happily while going towards the main entrance of the house.

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