It was an odd when love and hate collided. Somehow y/n still felt both of these emotions at the same time.

Placing a hand on the windowsill, he stared out with a slight scowl at the lava outside. His mind and heart felt like that, a bubbling mix of heat and energy and chaos. When Ahsoka began to ignore him, he had tried to adapt, focusing as much as his divided concentration allowed him on the battles. It gave him more time to get to know his men, build his connections with Bly and the other clones.

His eyes slowly travelled to his hand. It was the left one, almost every millimetre covered in tiny, neat letters. There were so many new losses, so many deaths that he hadn't been able to record.

About a dozen fresh new tattoos had been inked about an hour before, when the droids had launched another wave on the palace and the soldiers had fought back. The names were tightly squished into the small spaces he could find, but still written with a steady hand and clearly marked so each individual could be read and remembered.

When y/n had first reunited with Ahsoka, the script had only extended up to his bicep, and the names weren't so densely inked on his skin. Now it had crawled up to his shoulder, spreading until it almost reached the edge of his arm, snaking up his collarbone. If he was fighting, the collar of y/n's tunic would sometimes shift, and a couple names would be exposed on the side of his neck.

Grieving for the clones reminded him of the injured ones below. He was in the palace, meditating in a spare room. The Republican forces had their barracks stationed underground the building with the Sho-Torun soldiers. Many of the fighters were now recovering in the medical bays from the injuries they had sustained from the droids.

y/n was about to exit the room to check up on them when he sensed a danger.

Without warning, an explosion erupted behind him. He leapt instinctively out of the way, the Force aiding him, but he wasn't quick enough. The blast threw him forwards, a gush of heat at his heels. Smashing into the window, his back hit the wall and the glass, which shattered to pieces from both the detonation and his impact. Falling to the floor, he groaned but quickly jumped back to his feet, wincing as he felt the tiny shards of glass cutting into his back.

"Kriff, what in the Force?"

Another explosion shook the palace, this time in another location, but still the floor shook.

Drawing his lightsaber, he rushed out of the room and spilled into the corridor. Further detonations rocked the palace.

"I've got to get down," y/n muttered to himself, looking both ways down the passageways. He gave an irritated grunt when he remembered the seemingly endless spiralling staircase. Instead, he turned back and went back into the room, rushing to the window.

Coloured shards of glass still remained in the frame whilst the remainder was scattered on the floor and the rest imbedded painfully in his back.

The hole, however, was big enough. Leaping onto the sill, he looked down at the ground below, a good distance from the floor he was on. Without another thought he jumped out, plummeting down for a few seconds before landing on the ground and safety rolling. The fall would have almost certainly killed him, but with the Force he was able to absorb the impact and not get hurt.

A starfighter zoomed above his head. An entire squadron followed, dropping bombs down onto the palace. Some missed the structure, instead landing in the lava and throwing up huge waves of molten rock, others impacting the rocky crop that the palace was situated upon. Gunships were already landing around him, the airlocks slowing opening to release the droids within.

Explosions rocked the ground frequently, the zapping of laser cannon fire filling the air once more. But how? The previous droid attack had occurred an hour before, it had been logically stated by everyone that another wave shouldn't have invaded for at least another turn. Shu-Torun was supposed to have defences, how did the Separatists get in?

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