Twenty-Nine: Somebody Else

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[ Somebody Else ]

[ Somebody Else ]

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I let out a quiet breath as I stepped out of the bathroom, only dressed in one of the robes provided by the hotel while our clothes were in the washing machine.

I mindlessly slathered lotion all over my hands and between my fingers as I turned my head in the direction of the bed.

I quietly shook my head, seeing that Taehyung was still fast asleep under the sheets, in the same position I had left him when I went to take my shower in the first place.

I couldn't see much of his face from where I was standing but I definitely had a pretty decent view of his back since he was laying on his stomach and the bedsheets were only covering his body from his waist downwards.

There was barely any light in the room since it was still going to be hours before the sun even began to rise. Got this reason, I couldn't really see much of his body unless I ended up deciding to turn on the lights, something that would only wake the man up and cause an unwanted disturbance to the little sightseeing session I was busy having.

From what I could see though, his back muscles were out on display like some sort of Greek sculpture in an ancient prestigious art museum, innocently flaunting their existence, tempting me to touch them once more. A typical, a bit cliché description of an enticing beaut, but still very appropriate and fitting for the being before me.

A subconscious smile formed on my face and I bit my lip sheepishly as I thought back to what we had gotten up just hours prior.

After Taehyung spontaneously decided to join me in the shower, the man surprisingly kept his hands to himself for the most part after committing his little crime from the first time he entered.

He didn't touch me more than what would probably be necessary, only assisting me in reaching areas that are typically a mission to reach every now and then as I helped do the same.

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