Forty-One: My Mind & Me

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[ My Mind & Me ]

[ My Mind & Me ]

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Light vibrations travelled through my body as the engine of my car turned off, the car now parked on some random empty street.

Once there was complete silence and no movement in my presence, I sunk back into my seat and adjusted it so that I could lie down on my back a little bit more.

My chest felt a little bit tight and I knew that laying down like this probably wasn't a good idea but I couldn't find it in myself to care any less.

Getting myself as comfortable as my tense body would allow me to, I inhaled a slow, deep breath before quietly releasing it through my mouth.

The very faint sound of my breathing could barely be heard unless one actually chose to actively pay close attention to it.

As my chest rose and fell, it seemed like with every breath I took, the more fatigue would seep into my body, the heavier my shoulders seemed to become, and the harder the pounding in my head and chest grew.

The swelling lump in my throat forced me to gulp more times than I could count, more times than I could comprehend. All as an attempt to get rid of it, at least to some extent. Sharp ringing began to pierce through my eardrums and I flinched.

I felt sick.

I tried to close my eyes, hoping that the fatigue in my system would be enough to send me to sleep for a little while. I was just so tired.

Mrs Kwon's voice began to echo in my head, even now when it's already been hours since I practically stormed out of her office this morning. My face scrunched up in distaste as I struggled to forget all about it.

'As your therapist, it is important for me to encourage you to rebuild important connections.'

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