Twenty-Seven: Like the Movies

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[ Like the Movies ]

[ Like the Movies ]

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It was dark out. Not a single trace of daylight was in sight as tiny specks of light scattered all over the sky.

Background noises of the soft breeze accompanied the gentle sound of the waves in front of the car, the only things really making up for the deafening silence inside.

My head rested on my window as I stared out the windscreen blankly, my chest rising and falling in slow yet uneasy motions, my breaths hollow.

I shifted my body slightly as I slowly turned my eyes onto the man in the passenger seat beside me, a small sense of curiosity filled within my gaze as I began to mindlessly stare.

This was the first time I had seen the man since he left me hanging back at his house a few days ago. I hadn't from him since.

Until now.

I was still kind of upset about it, but I seemed to have momentarily forgotten about it.

Even at this moment, as he slept beside me, I couldn't seem to be upset about that situation anymore. I was still confused, yes, just not upset.

The more I stared at his sleeping figure, the more I realised how tired he actually seemed to be.

Beneath his slightly furrowed eyebrows, his eyes were completely shut, long eyelashes gently grazing his cheekbones as he rested. His arms were crossed over on his chest as it was rising and falling with each breath he silently took.

From afar he would probably look peaceful but the slight knit between his brows stated otherwise.

I was still wallowing away in my car on the side of the road in the city when I suddenly got that call from him, asking me to pick him up.

I wasn't up for it at first, immediately questioning why I had to be the one to come get him. We were never that close. It was definitely safe to say that I was beyond confused when he made that call.

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