Twenty-Eight: Touch (M)

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[ Touch ]

[ Touch ]

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"You're here!"

I simply ignored him and carefully shut the door behind me after practically sneaking myself into the suite. 

Pulling off the cap that Taehyung had lent me from my head, I silently turned my body to face him as I pushed my hair back tiredly. 

He was sitting on one of the large couches in the hotel suite with one of his legs crossed over the other as his arms lay spread out over the top of the couch. He was looking at me from over his shoulder as though this was a completely normal circumstance. 

I didn't say anything as I simply trod over to the coffee machine in the kitchen that had caught my eye as soon as I walked in, barely paying any mind to the man in the room with me as I thought over what had happened over the past hour. 

After Taehyung had convinced me to stay instead of heading back to Seoul "so soon", the man suddenly began to make endless rounds of phone calls, casually coming up with flawless lies to whoever he was speaking to who then eventually agreed to book him a room at some hotel that was about 30 minutes away from where we were at the time. 

I tried asking questions along the way about who exactly he called and how he managed to find a solution that fasts without ultimately getting either of us into any kind of shit - which was actually what I had been worried about in the first place.

I couldn't help but still be scared about getting caught alone with Taehyung in the middle of the night and I was sure he could tell how nervous I was starting to get. In the end, though, the man didn't bother to answer any of my questions as he drove my car to whatever destination he had in mind and continued to brush me off and tell me that "everything was under control".

Eventually, he pulled us into the private parking area of some hotel that I had never been to before, where an unfamiliar man dressed in a really nice-looking suit seemed to be waiting for us. The two greeted each other as old friends would, before the unknown man then turned to greet me as well, claiming to already know who I was from some of my past works. 

Once greetings and introductions were over and done with, Taehyung then handed me some cap that the other man had handed him after something along the lines of "you're lucky I still kept this safe for you", before I was then instructed to put it on. 

After that, still, without receiving any explanations about what exactly Taehyung's so-called plan supposedly was, the said man then told me to trust him and follow the other, stating that I had nothing to be concerned about and that I was apparently in good hands. 

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