Eight: Can You Stop?

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[ Can You Stop? ]

[ Can You Stop? ]

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There was a workshop getting held today as well as a photoshoot.

Meaning Taehyung was obviously going to be there... At both venues...

A loud sigh left my lips at my thoughts as I moved to stretch my body to the other side, my best friend watching me silently as he did the same with our yoga instructor calling out another instruction.

My legs were spread out widely in front of me as I reached my hands to touch the tip of my foot, carefully letting my body stretch out even more as I sighed again.

"Why are you still fussing over this?" I heard my friend say with a snort and I looked at him.

He stared back at me with a feigned look of innocence planted on his face, only making me sneer at him, unimpressed by his obvious teasing.

"I'm not." I grumbled and tore my gaze away, pretending to put my focus back on my stretching.

I then heard our instructor softly excusing himself from the room after his assistant had come into the room looking for him.

Once he was out, I immediately heard my best friend snort loudly again, "Then why do you keep sighing as if somebody stole the vibrator I got you?"

My eyes instantly shot wide open.

"Jungkook!" I hissed at the annoying bitch and quickly glanced around the room as if there would've been somebody else was still in the room with us.

His loud laughter filled the room as he pulled his legs to cross over one another and lazily leaned back on his hands.

I sneered at him again and pulled my own knees up to my chest before reaching out to grab my water bottle, feeling my annoyance with the man rush through my body.

I told him about the little awkward situation I had been in with Taehyung a few days ago and my stupid friend didn't seem to be getting enough of making fun of me over it.

He kept trying to figure out if I liked how my co-star had been acting with me that day and whether I was really mad about the situation.

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