Sixteen: Bad Idea (M)

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[ Bad Idea ]

[ Bad Idea ]

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

What the fuck was I doing?

I steadied myself by the kitchen sink by pressing my palms down onto the edge tightly and holding my form forward without turning around for even a second to look at the man now on the other side of the room.

Taehyung was here. In my house.

Fuck. I was already regretting this shit. Horribly.

How much dumber could I actually get?

Why the hell did I ever think that this would be a good idea? I tried convincing myself that this was just my way of teasing and playing around with the man for being such a pain in the neck for me lately. That none of it had absolutely anything to do with my unspoken desires and the fact that I was indeed attracted to him.

I don't know what part of me truly believed that he wouldn't agree to meet up, but it honestly seemed like that part won over me today and made me feel more relaxed about inviting him over.

I was literally so convinced that he wouldn't come.

Yet here he was. In my kitchen. With me.


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