Four: Mad

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[ Mad ]

[ Mad ]

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I looked up at my husband from my place at the foot of our bed.

"What?" I voiced lowly.

"You can't accept this job." Jimin said to me as he slipped on the leather jacket he just walked out of the closet with, "I won't let you."

I gave him a weird look even though his back was still turned towards me, "Why not?"

"They're asking you to pair up with Taehyung, Jia." he gritted as he turned to look at me with darkened eyes, "I can't let that happen."


I exhaled loudly.

When I told Jimin about getting cast by Director Wang, he didn't really seem to care too much and was basically like 'whatever' about it, telling me to officially accept as soon as I could if really wanted to do it.

But as soon as he found out that Jackson had chosen Taehyung as my partner for the series, my husband didn't hesitate to completely shut me off. He was more specific about his response this time.

"No." he said again.

A part of me did kind of understand his discomfort but the other part of me was a bit upset by the fact that he couldn't understand that this was exactly what my job was about.

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