Thirty-Seven: Stan

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[ Stan ]

[ Stan ]

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"He'll be here soon, he's just wrapping things up with Choi Seungcheol's team,"

I nodded at Yoongi's words, knowing that he was referring to the CEO of my agency.

I gestured for my manager to take a seat next to me while we waited as he made his way from the door after closing it behind him.

Silence fell over the two of us but I knew that it was due to very different reasons.

I knew that Yoongi was still pretty concerned about me adding more things to my schedule and making it even tighter than it already is.

The man didn't hesitate to voice his concerns multiple times a day without fail, constantly asking me if I was sure this was really what I wanted, and if there wasn't another 'healthier' option to get myself busy.

Of course, I understood where he was coming from but I knew myself better than anyone. I had to get myself distracted somehow or else I would only end up getting swallowed whole by whatever I'd be trying to keep my mind off of.

Yoongi knew this but I could tell that he really didn't completely understand my reasoning. I was pretty sure that his silence right now meant that he was probably trying to come up with other ways that he could somehow sway me into changing my mind.

I knew that he was really just looking out for me and that he wasn't so against this simply because it would directly affect him. He's been working by my side since the very early stages of my career, and he's seen me at my worst. He's been a witness to some of the darkest times of my life and I knew that he was really just worried that I'd end up in that kind of spot again.

He really didn't see this persistence of mine as something that could lead to anything good.

However, I, on the other hand, was lost in thought, several thoughts to be exact.

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