Twenty-Four: High & Dry (M)

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[ High & Dry ]

[ High & Dry ]

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I pursed my lips mindlessly as I opened and closed the cupboards in Taehyung's kitchen one right after the other, searching for any wine glasses, but I wasn't even sure about where exactly he kept them.

It hadn't even been that long since I was dropped off by Yoongi at the man's house and I had been left to fend for myself downstairs while Taehyung took a phone call upstairs.

He had been on the phone for a while, leaving me to wander around the bottom half of his home mindlessly as a futile attempt at passing time.

I was so excited on my way here after the long day I had, thinking I was going to finally get the chance to unwind blissfully and have some sex-induced sleep.

But no, whoever decided to give Taehyung a call really thought that this would be the perfect moment to do so.

Now I had to wait. Like a freaking toddler on timeout, I had to wait until I was allowed to have fun again.

I was ready to hit the sack as soon as filming ended today but the excitement kept my adrenaline high enough to keep me wide awake.

Yet now it was really feeling as if that adrenaline was beginning to falter away the more time continued to pass.

The day I had felt like an entire week wrapped up into a single day because of how many stupid hurdles and frustrations were thrown at me.

First that stupid meeting with my label, next my consistent inability to keep my focus for long periods of time because of how easily distracted I was getting by Taehyung.

I felt incredibly really bad for my lack of professionalism on set today, I had to get my shit together before the next scheduled filming day. I was lucky enough that Mr Wang and the producers didn't end up losing their patience with me even though I nearly caused quite a few delays.

It was quite absurd of me to be struggling with something as dumb as this. Yes, Taehyung was an incredibly attractive man that I was currently banging, but that was no excuse for the way I was acting.

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