Twenty: Morning (M)

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[ Morning ]

[ Morning ]

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I sat on the bed of my guestroom, the dark sheets covering only the lower half of my naked body as I leaned back on the headboard with my phone lazily clutched in my head as I mindlessly scrolled through my timeline.

Now that the news of the press conference broke out, everything I saw online was surrounded by that. That was all everyone seemed to be talking about when I searched up my own name.

A light smirk teased at my lips as I read through posts of anticipation from fans, many of them excitedly looking forward to the event as if it was something huge.

I had no idea why everyone seemed to be so overly excited about this. It was just a press conference. It wasn't as if it was the official premiere of the series. Even so, the bubbling anticipation was quite a lot.

It really looked like a lot of people were satisfied with the fact that Jia and I were paired together for Knock Out by Mr Wang. Many seemed to be curious about the pairing and how it would turn out because of the fact that Jia and I did already know each other personally.

From the comments I'd seen so far, it seemed that my own fans were more excited about the fact that this was the first time I'd be playing the role of a male lead in a romance genre. In the past, I had mostly just stuck to other genres, only occasionally playing less major roles in such shows.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure why I agreed to take this role in the first place. Every time I tried to think back to what could've been the reason behind my decision, I always come up empty. I have no idea what was going through my head at the time when I chose to hop into something I'd never actually gotten into before.

I wanted to tell myself that it was simply because I was trying new things and helping myself to get out of my comfort zone. But then part of me feels as if that reasoning is somewhat incomplete, that there was supposedly more to it.

I quickly brushed my thoughts away as I noticed a message notification suddenly popping up on my screen.

It was my brother.

I subconsciously sneered as soon as my eyes caught sight of the man's name on my screen and I fought against the urge to roll my eyes.

My thumb hovered over my screen for a moment as I contemplated whether or not I should open the message and see what he had to say.

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