Twenty-One: Ruby

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[ Ruby ]

[ Ruby ]

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I quietly took a seat behind the table set up on the small stage in the large hall of the venue where my fan-meeting was to be held.

Yoongi crept up behind me as I got myself comfortable and he placed two freshwater bottles on the table in front of me before I glanced up to look at him.

"You ready?" he practically whispered to me and I smiled and nodded in reply.

"We're going to let everyone inside in a couple of minutes," he added and I whispered a quiet response back in return, the excitement and nervousness beginning to crawl into my gut.

After exchanging a few more words with Yoongi, he stalked off to the back, probably to go make sure that everything was sorted before the meet got into full swing.

I lowered my head slowly as a subconscious smile lightly formed on my face as I began to mindlessly fiddle with my fingers under the table.

I felt so good.

For the first time in a while, I actually felt somewhat light.

It was weird, I know. But for some reason, I couldn't help it.

Yes, me feeling lighter didn't change the fact that many parts of my life were a shit show at the moment, but I couldn't find myself really stressing and fussing over it as much right now. For now...

All because I finally got laid.

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