Eleven: Work It

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[ Work It ]

[ Work It ]

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I stood closely next to the photographer's assistant as she guided me through all my solo shots that had been taken thus far so that I could see which ones I actually liked and which ones I didn't and would possibly like to redo.

"I'm not really happy with this one." I frowned, feeling slightly disappointed with my work ethic as she clicked to the next picture and she glanced up at me with a confused look on her face.

"It's pretty good though." she tried to tell me but I only ended up shaking my head lightly in response.

"I feel like I can do better in a lot of them."

"You want to redo them later?" she asked me, seemingly preparing herself to inform the photographer of whatever I was thinking.

I nodded.

"If it's not too much of a hassle," I told her sheepishly and she waved me off with nonchalance and a small shake of her head.

"I'll go let Mr Tuan know then." she smiled at me, stepping away from the monitor we stood in front of and then gave me a small bow which I quickly returned before she stalked off in search of her boss.

I sighed softly, feeling his shoulders drop tiredly in defeat. It was only the first shoot of the day for the first theme, yet I was already feeling like he wasn't doing well enough.

Out of all the numerous pictures that were taken during the first round, I ended up only finding a handful of them at least decent.

But 'decent' wasn't what I was aiming for.

I really wanted to do my best for this drama, especially now that the fans seemed to be looking forward to it ever since the news about it dropped a few days ago.

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