Forty-Two: Blind

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[ Blind ]

[ Blind ]

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"Have you spoken to your company about this yet?"

Hearing Jimin's question, I shook my head, letting my eyes fall onto my lap so I wouldn't have to look at him, knowing that he was about to voice his disapproval.

"Jia, you need to let them know," then scolded me but I could hear the very obvious concern in his tone as he slowly paced back and forth on the other side of the kitchen across from me.

"I don't want to make a big deal out of anything," I muttered, knowing very well that I was making up excuses, "I already have so much on my plate that my agency is dealing with, I don't want to stress them out more than I have already,"

Jimin sighed and stopped his pacing. He walked over and silently took a seat on the stool beside me, "I get you, but you still need to protect yourself when it comes to this, for your own sake. You and I both know how sick this man can be, Jia."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and raised my head, letting my eyes fall onto the fridge ahead of me, trying to distract myself a little bit as I kept my mouth shut.

In his hand, Jimin was holding the letter we got from him recently and was now finding out that I have not spoken to the agency about it, reiterating just how worried he was about my safety, especially now that he was about to leave in a couple of days.

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