Forty-Three: listen before i go

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[ listen before i go ]

[ listen before i go ]

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"Have a safe trip, my love."

In response, all I gave was a mere hum, unable to find the desire to think of anything better.

"I really wish I could've seen you off, it's gonna be a while before we see each other again," Mina continued to speak, picking up on the fact that I had little to say, "I'm just worried things won't be the same when you get back. This is the longest you'll be away,"

Again, I only hummed. Instead of consoling her and reassuring her without a second thought like I normally would, I simply hummed, muttering a few thoughtless words as a half-assed attempt to soothe her concerns.

My mind was too drawn away with other thoughts on, apparently thoughts that my brain deemed to be more important than speaking to my girlfriend.

Thoughts that have occupied my mind relentlessly for about four days now. Four days of seemingly simple thoughts swirling in my mind for bases I could not fathom.

For some odd reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about Wednesday night. The night when I went out for one last dinner with Jia and Taehyung. For some unknown reason, the night refused to leave my mind for longer than a couple of minutes, recurring in my mind tirelessly like a broken record.

Something about it seemed to bother me but I couldn't even begin to figure out what exactly that could've possibly been.

It was specific parts of the night that seemed to be looping in my head.

Firstly, it was what I had walked in on when Taehyung had randomly shown up at my house earlier that evening. The image of him and Jia hugging very cosily couldn't seem to leave my mind even though there wasn't anything particularly wrong with the interaction, technically. They were just hugging, it wasn't anything that was supposedly out of the ordinary. It was literally just a hug.

But why was the image adamant about staying on my mind? It wasn't anything special so I really didn't get it.

And as if that on its own wasn't already enough, my mind decided that it would be an even better idea to make me think about the dinner itself. Specifically, the conversation I had with Taehyung at the dinner table.

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