Chapter 90

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It's the final day, meaning there's no trails today, only celebration. Of all the wolves that participated only three failed, Luther was merciful and allowed them all another year of private tutoring to prepare for next year.

After Omar's body was burnt and his ashes scattered, Dom had taken his leave. To have your betas body be disgraced after death is a huge thing, it brings Dom dishonour. Hardin does not allow rapists and abusers the gift of burial, he never has. Omar's soul will not return to the earth for rebirth, he will forever wonder the planes of middle earth, trapped and alone.

"Hey, is there anymore of that bacon?"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turn to the female with a small smile.

"Sorry, of course." I say, moving aside as I'd been blocking the buffet.

"Thankyou, Alpha." She nods with a slight smile, grabbing a plate as she passes me.

"Lucifer, come." I call as I exit the kitchen, hearing the heavy padding of his paws on the hardwood floors behind me.

Today is a day of celebration, and given the week we've had I think everyone deserves one night without issues. Especially our last night hosting the ceremony. So I take Lucifer up to the bedroom and leave him to rest, knowing the pack are still antsy around him so of course the other Alphas and packs will be.

"Morning Alpha Kali." A voice greets as I head back downstairs.

I turn to smile at the male, noticing the pup in his arms. While he is vaguely familiar, I do not remember his name. I doubt we've spoken more than three words to one another if I don't remember him.

"Good morning." I quip warmly, taking a moment to pause and admire the pup.

"He's beautiful, they grow so fast." I smile gently, running my index finger over the pups little clenched fist.

He smiles. "Thankyou, would you like to hold him?" He offers.

"I would love to but I'm actually in a rush, perhaps another time?" I offer politely.

"Of course, have a good day Alpha Kali." His voice is warm along with his friendly smile. Taking no offence in me not holding his son.

"You too." I wave, heading outside.

Some of the older teenagers are already standing with beers in their hands, usually alcohol is a huge no even for teens. I trust by their laughter and relaxed posture that they quite enjoy being able to simply celebrate.

"Alpha is with Beck on the south border, Beta Zed is on the training field setting up the games." A male tells me as I pass by, I assume by his tattoos and bulky arms he's a warrior.

"Thankyou." I nod, walking around the pack house and down the endless field crawling with wolves carrying various items.

They're setting up party games for tonight, along with some kind of huge tent. It'll be a foam party, with alcohol, music, strobe lights, the whole works. We wanted to make sure the teens and young adults get the full experience of what all adolescent wolves should. A night to get absolutely trashed.

Naturally we have warriors and guards in place to ensure no one gets hurt, drunk wolves tend to be unpredictable.

"Hey, need a hand?" I offer, already grabbing the box off the grass.

"Thanks, you joining in tonight?" Zed asks as we head down the field to the long table set up on the grass.

"Drinking?" I raise my eyebrow.

He nods.

"No, hangovers fucking suck as a human." I wince, recalling the last time I drank. I don't fancy the agony bouncing around in my skull.

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