Chapter 23

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I wake the next morning with my bags packed and ready to go. My trainer will be arriving to take Apollo and Aurora to FairField stables for boarding until I get back home, so all in all, everything is done. I just need to get to Italy.

So I climb out of bed and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to make breakfast. The smell of fresh baking makes me frown a little, it's not usually a smell I wake up to.

"What in the holy hell..." I breathe, freezing in the kitchen doorway as I stare at my unrecognisable kitchen.

Every counter top is full, dishes and weighing scales, flour, egg shells. It was as if a couple of wild animals had got into my kitchen and managed to pull out every cupboard, every bag of flour or sugar, every cup and mixing bowl, ever spatula. Even my spoons!

"I was going to clean this before you woke up, I swear." Hardin's voice is a tad weary, seeing the look on my face as I stare at my poor kitchen.

It's destroyed. The better question is, what the hell has he been making?

"What-" I go to ask him just exactly what he's been doing, when he turns and grabs something from the counter behind him.

"It's a month late but...happy birthday Katalayha." Hardin's breathtaking smile makes my heart physically stop for a moment.

In his hands sits my lemon yellow cake board, with a cake covered in neat white buttercream and pink sprinkles.

I felt my throat close up slightly as my eyes sting with tears. He made me a cake? He remembered my birthday, he knows Jackson is the only one to ever celebrate it. It may seem stupid, and even pointless to celebrate it now, but to me it means a lot.

"I can't believe you made me a cake." I whisper, slowly walking towards him. I'll admit it, him taking the time and effort to make me a late birthday cake is so much better than expensive jewellery, or a trip to another country.

Hardin places the cake on the small island, and I felt a smile grace my face even though I try and hide it. I couldn't, right now I'm just...happy.

When was the last time I felt like this? I thought to myself, already knowing the answer. I glance up at Hardin, meeting his stare for just a few moments.

"Thank you." I tell him gratefully, my voice soft.

He flashes a small affectionate smile. "You're welcome."

I felt like a simple thank you wasn't enough, so I close the small distance between us and hug him. The instant warmth is exactly as I remember it, although far more comforting. Maybe that's just because I've missed hugging him so much?

Hardin embraces me warmly, and I felt myself relaxing against him completely. It was as if no time had passed at all since we were mated. His arms still feel like home.

"I should get dressed, Apollo's trainer will be arriving soon." I say quietly, pulling away and heading off upstairs.

I shower and get dressed as quickly as possible, going with my all black equestrian outfit that fits like a glove, and it's extremely comfortable. Tucking the edge of my crop top into my bottoms, I slide the black leather riding boots on. Finally, I braid my hair tightly.

Right now I look like a statement piece, usually I'd choose comfort over pride but when facing your fears, it's best to feel like a boss. The best way to do that, is pick the outfit that makes you feel like a queen.

By the time I get downstairs, I notice Hardin talking to Apollo's trainer outside. So I quickly put the cake in a cake box and place it next to my suitcase by the door. I make sure that I have everything I need, taking one last glance around my house before heading out.

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