Chapter 6 - Part A

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"I taught you that." I complain, a little breathless as I dodge the staff coming at me for bazilyionth time.

"I mastered it." He shrugs.

Sweat drips off of me, droplets hitting the mats while Jackson has barely broken a sweat. Not only am I out of shape, but I don't the speed, endurance, or strength of a wolf anymore.

"Let's just call it a day." I sniff, grabbing my towel and walking away.

"Kali, come on, we've barely got started." Jackson sighs.

"We'll go again tomorrow." I say, fed up of being thrown on the floor over and over again.

I can't do this without my wolf. I'm a human, I'm not capable of taking on a wolf anymore. Why pretend like I can? Why bother trying?


"What's wrong with her?" I ask the Elder as he walks into the training room.

"When Kali lost her wolf, she lost her confidence, it was as if the fight just drained out of her." Elder Luther explains to me.

"She's not even trying, she's completely given up." I admit, more worried than anything.

I've never seen Kali give up on anything, she doesn't back down.

"She just needs something to fight for, but this time, it has to be for herself." Luther tells me.

"Is her wolf gone for good?" I ask curiously.

"It's dormant, practically a shadow inside her." Luther sighs, not saying much on the topic but I could tell he isn't exactly thrilled.

"Have you tried waking it?" I ask.

"We tried everything from children, to torturing her." Luther admits.

Clearly, it didn't work.

Luther leaves as fast as he arrived, leaving me to consider the options available. Kali has to want this, which means knocking some sense into her.

She needs to want something.

Hardin is a lost cause right now, and his pack won't be of much help either. No, Kali needs something that still affects her, still gives her a little hope, and drives her nuts at the same time.

Realising what I have to do, I grab my phone and rush out of the room to catch up with Luther.

There's only one man that can bring out Kali's rage like no other. It's perhaps a harsh tactic to draw out the anger but it's either this, or nothing changes.

Personally, I love her no matter what but I know she's not completely herself. This is one step in the right direction.

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