Chapter 36

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For the next few days I enjoy my time with Hardin, and the others that I suppose still mean something to me. Beck, Winter, Lotti, Phoebe, even Zed.

"So the rumours are true!" A voice booms from behind me, instantly making me jump out of my seat in surprise.

"You'll give her a heart attack you idiot!" Lori scolds her husband with a glare, quickly crossing the room.

"Hi...what rumours?" I ask curiously, offering a half smile as I return Lori's hug.

"You have no idea how happy we are that you and Hardin have smoothed things over. God, we hated that Kayla!" Xander admits with relief, grabbing me and squeezing me half to death.

"Not a wolf anymore, might want to ease up." I whisper, my lungs feeling a little crushed.

Xander just chuckles and releases me.

"Why did you hate her?" I couldn't help but ask, curious because Hardin said that Kayla would of made the perfect Luna.

"She was like a shadow, always agreeing with Hardin and never had the guts to make a decision on her own. The girl wasn't you, we're just happy Hardin came to his senses before it was too late." Lori tells me with a look of innocence.

"I was like that before he made me marry him, she could have changed." I say with a slight shrug, almost defending her.

I don't like the idea of her, but I do kind of feel bad that she wasn't as loved as she probably thought. Some wolves are raised with the knowledge that the world is a happy, loving place, and I think she was one of those wolves.

"No, Kayla craves attention and approval. You know who you are, good and bad and you accept it, you don't need anyone's approval or opinion." Xander states, shaking his head.

I just let out a small sigh, deciding that I don't need to have this conversation. I'm not interested in measuring myself to Kayla's friendliness, or how different we are. I know that if Hardin felt anything for her, he'd tell me straight up.

"When are you going to mate?" Lori straight up asks me with a sly grin.

I almost shit out my heart, my eyes growing wide with her question. Definitely unexpected and not something I ever thought someone would have the balls to ask me.

"Uh...maybe in a year?" I answer when I realise Lori actually expects an estimated date. Can you say awkward?

Her eyes immediately fall in disappointment. "Why-"

Xander puts his hand over Lori's mouth, flashing me a smile. "A year sounds reasonable."

"Things are a little bit tense around here with the war, are you sure Hardin said it'd be ok for you to come?" I ask with a slight frown.

Hardin becomes paranoid, and overprotective when there's talk of war, never mind actually being at war. Surely he wouldn't say it's safe for visitors?

"He didn't. We're here to see you actually." Lori says with a small smile, her entire emotional state seeming to shift in an instant.

My eyes raise with surprise. "Me? What for?"

"I just...during war hope can often be lost, and it's hope that makes us strong. I want you to have this...A reminder that no matter what happens, you're not alone." Lori says softly, offering me a worn pink fabric bracelet.

"Was this..." I didn't say her name, but I know this bracelet means a lot to them.

"Lyra made this for Hardin, he stopped wearing it the day she died...she was his hope." Lori confirms my suspicions, but I didn't dare take it from her.

Why would she give me one of the most sentimental things she owns of her daughter?

"Why are you giving this to me?" I ask quietly, glancing between Lori and Xander.

"For Hardin it was a reminder of love, and innocence. For us, it's a reminder of hope, and appreciation for what we have...For you I think it will be a reminder of family, and strength, to hold on even when all seems lost." Xander tells me, offering a slight smile.

I hear what they're saying even though they don't say it.

If this war kills Hardin, they don't want me going off the deep end again. They need me to know that they feel my pain, and that they're here for me.

Reaching out, I take the pink fabric bracelet.

"I don't know what to say...thank you?" I say with a slight frown, despite my warm smile. Don't cry, Kali.

"I'll take care of it...and Hardin." I promise them, reaching out and hugging Lori warmly. I felt the acceptance of family surround me, something that I still struggle with on occasion even with Kade.

"We know." Lori whispers, rubbing my back.

I give Xander a hug too, before reaching down and tying the bracelet around my ankle. I get into too many fist fights to have it on my wrist, the thought of ruining something so sacred to Hardin and his parents is nerve wracking.

"Hardin's in a meeting, but I can let him know you're here if you'd like?" I offer, figuring they at least want to speak to him just in case something bad does happen.

"No, no. When it comes to family Hardin is easily taken from his duties, we'll see him soon enough." Xander says firmly, not wanting to take any risks.

Like I said, one on one Markus is no match for Hardin. Clearly I'm not alone in my worry, Hardin will save a pack member during mid war, knowing it may get him killed and still choosing to save his wolves.

It's selfless, and admirable...but stupid.

Just like this war. Markus wants this war because Hardin didn't marry? What makes Markus think he has any right over who or when Hardin chooses to get married?

Lori and Xander say goodbye, and just like that they're gone. As fast as they'd appeared.

As I sit alone in the emptiness of my temporary bedroom, my mind begins to tick. My eyes flicker to the pink bracelet on my ankle curiously.

"Don't be stupid, Kali." I whisper, scolding myself for even considering it.

I mean, it's crazy.

I can't believe you're actually thinking about doing it. I mentally shout at myself, suddenly at war with my own impulsive decisions.

I walk into the bathroom and rinse my face with cold water, glancing at the reflection staring back at me. In the emerald green eyes glaring at me, I see strength and will like no other. Despite the bruising, all the swelling has gone down and the cuts have scabbed over.

"You have nothing to prove." I finally tell her, my voice soft with partial defeat.

It's insane to consider challenging Markus a second time, not after barely escaping the first. I can't let my impulsive need to be stronger than any man be the reason I end up dead.

The woman stares back at me with familiar doubt, a hint of sadness within her deep green gaze. I felt her loneliness, the longing for a wolf that left us long ago.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. Zed once offered those words in his strange attempt to comfort others during my brief reign of terror.

How true those words are.

I fight harder when I am fighting for something I love, that is without question. Why do I not fight with such strength when it is my life on the line?

The feeling of the bracelet on my ankle brings slight peace to me.

Hardin will fight harder during the war, knowing the value of what is to be lost. Perhaps I was too quick to bitch at Hardin for not being in my corner during the challenge, because I haven't backed him up on this war once.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}Where stories live. Discover now