Chapter 67 - Part A

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The next morning I shower, get dressed and head into town. Hardin is taking care of a few things at home, he went back last night to make sure everything is in order for when we leave later on.

So while he does that, I pay a visit to a few salons. The first thing I do is get my hair done of course, considering my roots are showing more than they're supposed to with the style of colour I wanted. The hairdresser bleaches my darker roots, leaving a little of it natural to give it that stand out effect.

By the time I walk out of the hair salon, my hair is bright white/silver with darker roots, freshly conditioned, trimmed and curled to into perfect beach waves. I could feel my hair bouncing as I walk, it makes me feel good as strange as that might sound.

While I don't usually care to get my nails done, I decide to make an exception today. So I have the nail technician do a simple acrylic nail polish coat, not adding any fake nail extension or gems. I choose nude, because I have no idea what I'll be wearing and nude goes with almost anything.

For my last stop before home, the one I've been dreading, I get waxed. Anything can happen this week, and I want to know that I don't need to worry about the small things like shaving. Even if getting waxed hurts like a motherfucker.

By the time I get back home, Hardin's car is just arriving behind me.

"Is everything sorted?" I ask him as I get out of my car.

"It is." He confirms with a grin.

Beck gets out of Hardin's car, glancing around my house and field with slight curiosity.

"Nice place you've got." He tells me, greeting me with a hug.

"Thank you." I smile.

"You got your hair done." Hardin suddenly comments, and I feel his hand wrapping around my curls, giving the gentlest of tugs.

What is with this man and always touching my hair? I wonder as I turn to face him.

"Just a touch up." I say, knowing it's not that different. I didn't really expect him to notice, but I guess he always finds ways to surprise me.

"It looks good." He nods, admiring me the smallest of smiles. It's cute, his reaction.

"I got something else too." I whisper in a teasing tone of voice.

Hardin grabs my hands. "I don't think I've ever seen you with painted nails." He muses, assuming I'm hinting about my nails as he notices the nail polish.

So I just grin, deciding I'll let him figure it out on his own this week. The guy can't keep it in his pants, and just because we haven't had sex yet doesn't mean we haven't seen each other naked multiple times.

"I'll show Beck to his room." I say, gesturing for the bulky male to follow me as I head into the house.

Kicking off my shoes, I head upstairs and turn left.

"These are the guest rooms, take your pick. The bathroom is here, there's food in the cupboards and pantry so just help yourself." I tell him, showing him which door leads to the bathroom.

"Clean sheets, towels, extra toiletries." I say, tapping the door next to the bathroom.

Beck nods, taking it all in. "Do I have to see to the horses?" He asks with slight worry.

I grin slightly at his expression. "No, Adrian is arriving today at some point to take them to FairField. You're free to use either of my cars whilst I'm not here, but if I find so much as a scratch on my Bugatti-"

"I know." He holds his hands up, grinning. He's fully aware that I'll castrate him.

I relax slightly. "Good. If anything happens I want you to call me, the Elders are one my case so they might turn up." I explain.

"Stop worrying, I've got this." Beck chuckles, grabbing my shoulders and leading me downstairs.

"Ok." I sigh, grabbing a sack of dog food from the back room and carrying it out to the car despite how heavy it is.

Hardin instantly takes it off of me, and considering it's a fifteen kilo sack, I don't complain. I make sure to pack Lucifers favourite toy, and his lead.

Considering Hardin has packed the boot with our luggage and Lucifers, I assume we're travelling by car. Where are we going?

"I'm going to make sandwiches, is there anything you want in particular?" I ask Hardin.

"I'll help." He says instead, following me inside.

I make a total of ten sandwiches, Hardin eats a lot anyway and I'm uncertain as to how long the drive will be. Hardin wraps everything up and places it in the large bag, once all the sandwiches are in, I dump a load of snacks on top.

"Really?" Hardin muses.

"Shut up." I chuckle, neatly stacking a couple bottles of water inside the bag before zipping it up.

"What time are we leaving?" I ask.

"About eight-ish, I planned to drive through the night so we'll there by morning." Hardin shrugs.

Jesus, how far away are we going?

"Lucifer will need toilet breaks." I point out.

"Already worked it all out." Hardin says, winking at me as he carries the bag of food out to the car.

With nothing else to do but sit and wait, I plonk my ass on the couch and turn the tv on to pass time. Ignoring the fact that it's eating at me not knowing where we're going.

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