Chapter 13

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"Any plans for your birthday?" Jackson asks me, tossing me a towel.

"My birthdays not for another month." I say, wiping the sweat from my face and chest, remaining sprawled out on the mats.

It feels nice against my burning sweaty skin.

"So?" Jackson grunts, joining me on the floor.

"I don't have any plans, and before you say it, I don't want a party." I tell him firmly, turning my head to the side and giving him a look.

Jackson rolls his eyes.

"What do you want? I bet you're pretty bored without a sex life, what about a dildo?" Jackson sniggers before he even finishes the question, expecting me to shout at him.

"Jackson!" I laugh loudly, rolling over and slapping his hard stomach with a little force.

He winced, and considering the amount of sit ups we just did, it's safe to say we're both a little sensitive.

As we lay there in silence, I consider his offer. What do I want for my birthday? The Elders celebrate it but without Hardin it's just not the same. I need to get over that feeling.

"A birthday cake." I finally say.

I turn my head towards Jackson, and he gives me a small smile. "Is that all?" He asks me softly.

I nod my head.

"I'll follow a recipe book this time, cross my heart." He grins, and I chuckle, recalling how awful the last one was.

"I have to head out for a while, do you want to come with me?" I offer.

"Depends, what's the job?" He asks curiously.

"Gotta' take down a child trafficking ring, we finally got a confirmed location on their base. Torture the ones running everything for information-"

"Can I say no? It sounds a little...brutal for my taste, you know how I get around blood." Jackson smiles sheepishly.

I just grin.

"It's ok, thought I'd put the offer out." I say, groaning slightly as I push myself off the mat, my body aching as it begs me not to move again.

"If you need any help that I can do from here, I'd be happy to." Jackson offers as I help him to his feet.

"Don't worry about it, I'm leaving tonight and I'll call you when it's done." I promise him, giving him a hug.

Jackson squeezes me like I'm not going to be coming back.

"Be safe, stay focused." He mutters, and I nod my head a little against his chest.

"I will, love you." I exhale, pulling away from Jackson.

"Love you." He responds as I exit the training room.

The reason I'm saying goodbye now is because I have to pack, and prepare for this job. I have to ensure I get the faces right, the locations and drop offs. I have to be prepared for anything.

So I pack light, and double check my uniform is all in the bag. Considering I'll be taking down armed wolves, I can't just go in wearing skinny jeans and a leather jacket. No, I have to wear the ventilated boots, the multi cami uniform strapped with weapons, a vest, t-shirt and multi cami jacket that is suitable for all weather. Between my vest and t-shirt, I have to wear a bulletproof vest.

Considering all the training I've done with rocks whilst wearing this gear, the weight of it doesn't slow me down as much as what you'd think.

I read the files over and over, refreshing my memory as best as I can. By the time night comes around, the mansion is quiet and I grab my bags, heading out to the SUV waiting for me.

"Will you be going in alone?" My driver, Stewart asks me as he opens the car door.

"Always do." I smile, climbing into the car.

Stewart shuts the door and places my bags in the boot. As he drives me to the jet waiting on the field just twenty minutes from headquarters, I rest my head against the window and pull my hoodie a little closer around me.

Like every time I have a big job to do, I couldn't help but feel a little vulnerable. Big jobs mean a lot of possibly casualties, like not taking out the guards fast enough and getting shot. The worst part is what'll happen as I die, now more than ever I'm dreading dying all alone.

The drive is silent the whole way, Stewart doesn't bother me, knowing I like to be in my own thoughts before a job like this.

"We're here." He finally announces, his voice low.

The car pulls to a stop, and I stare out at the jet ready and waiting. The urge to borrow Stewart's phone and call Hardin is almost overpowering, but calling him means distracting myself. Right now I can't afford to be distracted by anything, or anyone.

Opening the car door, I slide out and grab my bags from the boot.

"Need a hand?" Stewart offers, exiting the car.

"I've got it." I tell him, slinging the two duffel bags over my shoulder and carrying the other.

"I'll be right here three weeks from now." Stewart states in some attempt to ease some worry.

I just smile and nod.

"I'll see you then." I say, giving a small wave as I head towards the jet.

Pablo takes my bags as I reach the steps, I just smile in thanks and head onto the jet while Pablo puts my bags away.

The Elders like to have the best of everything, meaning their private jet is quite literally as glamorous as their castle like home. The interior is all white and red leather, soft and the most luxurious thing you'll ever sit on.

It kind of makes up for fact that I may die on this job.

"Can I get you a drink, Miss Slovak?" Pablo asks me not a minute later, after bringing the steps up and locking the door, sealing it shut.

"Whiskey, please." I exhale heavily, relaxing back against the soft plush leather, tucking my feet under me as I kick off my shoes.

"Of course." He smiles, moving over to the bar and pouring the shot. Every time I fly out on a job without the Elders, Pablo fixes me a shot of whiskey.

I suppose it's a tradition.

I swallow the shot and accept the burn as I pull out the seatbelt and clip it securely around me. Pablo does the same as we begin take-off, I just rest my head back and close my eyes. Ignoring everything around me so I don't throw up.

I already feel sick during take-off, once we're in the air I'm fine. Maybe it's because I'm not straight up? Wolves prefer the ground, that's without doubt.

The flight lasts around sixteen hours, once we're in the air I sleep most of the way, ensuring I get enough rest. The second we land in Houston, it's all business.

Sleep is going to be minimal as I like to work through the night.

ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasting}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें